Chapter 156 - Fight (9)

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Watching Kaiser make himself comfortable on the bed, acting like he owned the place and taking up more room than was fair, she was reminded of their first interaction when he had arrived at her apartment originally.

"Feels familiar, right?"

"Somewhat." She reluctantly replied

As if remembering their first interaction, Kaiser smiled before pointing to the available seat in the room.


"I'm fine."

"Okay. When was your last meal, and what's going on with your stomach? Do I need to call a doctor?"

"Are you really here to make small talk with me?" Valentina asked incredulously. "If you are, then please leave."

" not."

Sighing, Kaiser stood up and approached her, causing her to tilt her head back to look at him questioningly with her hand out.

"Distance yourself from me, Mr. Grayson." She coldly told him, but he continued approaching her until her fingers lay on his chest, maintaining that distance without moving forward. Because of the contact, she had no choice but to look at him in the face as he lowered his head to her eye level.

"Good. You're finally looking at me. We can talk now." Kaiser gave her a wry smile.

"What do you want to talk about, Mr. Grayson? I feel like we've said everything to each other."

She kept her tone and expression cold as she asked.

"I am here to apologize to you for the words that I said and how I acted when you came home the other morning." Kaiser easily bowed his head as he spoke to her in a contrite tone.

"I didn't mean for it to come off as holding anything I've done or plan to do for you against you or make you feel like I wanted something in return. I was just frustrated about...a lot of things and took out that frustration on you when you had done nothing to deserve it. It's not an excuse but you know I have quite the bad mouth and say whatever is on my mind regardless of who I'm talking to. I...didn't expect my words to cause a rift between us because I fully expected you to put me in my place because you've never been one to hold your tongue when I do something you don't like. I apologize for being insensitive and poking at your sore spot. I'm sorry for doubting your words and actions. I'm sorry for making you cry. I know that I hurt you, and obviously you wanted some space, but I wanted to make sure you heard my apology. Properly, and from my mouth with my sincere intentions attached to them."

Hearing his words and seeing his puppy dog expression, Valentina almost felt her heart sway. Her hands slowly dropped to her sides as she felt her anger soften, but remembering the words and accusations, she couldn't easily forgive or forget.

After all, this was a man who had offered to buy her the first time they met. If someone kept showing their true colors, it would be foolish to expect them to change so quickly.

Getting fooled once was not her fault, but being fooled by the same person repeatedly made her the foolish one.

Additionally, Rio's words rang in her head. Being with Kaiser was just asking for trouble.

Hardening her expression, she arched her brows.

"Okay. Is that it?"


"Okay, I've heard your apology and will consider it. Get out. I have a busy day tomorrow." She pointed at the door to make her intentions clear.

"There's the temper I like so much," Kaiser commented lightly, causing her to scowl.

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