Chapter 27

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"Makenzie this is Mayday Parade!"
"I know right!" I yelled.
Mayday Parade is my all time favorite band. I hate pop music. I like punk rock. And Mayday Parade is the best.
"How did he get these?" she asked.
"I have no idea.."
"You have the best boyfriend ever!"
"I know right!"
We woke up the next day at 2 o'clock.
"God damn we have a sleeping problem." I said to Hannah.
"I know right. We slept so late and we only stayed up until 6 AM."
"Only stayed up til 6 AM." I said sarcastically.
Hannah and I ate some pizza and watched tv until about 3:30.
"I have to go home now." she said getting up from the couch.
"Ugh." I said.
She laughed. "Alright text me how the concert went."
"Alright." I said hugging her.
When she left I decided that I should go and take a shower.
After I got done with my shower I put on ripped skinny jeans and my Mayday Parade tanktop. I left my hair so that it dried naturally and then curled a few pieces to make it look more put together. I put on my long diamond skull necklace and my Mayday Parade bracelet. Then I started putting on makeup. I did my eyebrows, and then put on blue eyeliner and gold eyeshadow.
After I was finally done with my makeup I checked my phone for the first time since 2:00. It was 5:00 and the concert didn't start til 7. Jace texted me an hour ago.
"Does 5:30 work for me to pick you up babe?"
"Yeah that's perfect." I responded.
At exactly 5:30 the doorbell rang.
He looked me up and down when I answered the door.
"Wow." he said. "You look amazing."
I blushed. I may have dated him for over a year now but he still manages to give me butterflies and get my heart beating faster than a marathon runner.
"You look great too." I said.
He was was wearing a Mayday Parade T-Shirt, Jeans, and black Jordan's.
"Thanks babe." he said smiling. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah." I said. "Lemme put on my shoes."
I out on my wedges. They were beautiful. A present from my aunt.
They were black and had stuff hanging off in the front.
"Alright I'm ready." I said taking his arm and walking out the door.

Jace POV

I woke up around 8 in the morning today.
"Shit!" I yelled.
Today was the day of the concert and to be completely honest I barely know who Mayday Parade even is. Makenzie plays their music all the time but I never pay attention to it. So I went on iTunes and downloaded every Mayday Parade song there was and started listening to it to try to memorize it. Then I went to HotTopic and picked up a T-Shirt and stuff. By the time I got home I was kind of hooked on their music. It's so deep and I love the beat and sound of the lead singer.
I took a shower and got dressed listening to them the whole time.
I put on the shirt that I bought and some dark jeans. I put on my black Jordan's and at 5:15 left for Makenzie's.

Makenzie POV

We got in the limo and headed to the place where the Wild play. Concerts are always there. We cuddled and listened to Mayday Parade the whole time.
"I don't know if I'm ready to be in the same room as them.." I quietly said.
"Babe you've been waiting forever to see them in concert. You're ready." he said kissing my cheek.
Once we finally got to the concert it was 6:30. We decided to get some merchandise and then some food. I just got some more rubber bracelets and another poster. Then we went and got nachos and frozen lemonade. By the time that was done we went and found our seats. They were legit front row and right in the middle.
"Jace how did you get these seats?" I asked amazed.
"I love you that's how." he said.
"Awe babe." I said kissing him.
Just then the lights dimmed and there before me was my favorite band. The band that probably saved my life.
Mayday Parade.

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