Chapter 11

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It's been about a week since arriving at Kathryn's house. I won't call it my home, because it's not. Everything is still so foreign to me. The only place I feel somewhat normal is in my room, mainly due to the fact that it is almost an exact replica of my room back at the house I lived in with my family before everything happened. Home is where the heart is and, well, the only person that I have left in my heart is Conner. Sure, I get to see him, but not as often a I would like. Well I would think that I get to see him, I'm not entirely sure due to the fact that I haven't seen him yet.

It's Sunday and Kathryn, I have come to find out, is quite a religious person. I actually discovered it this morning when she piled all of us into a giant van and announced that we were going to the St. Charles Cathedral in town. I myself, have never been all that religious. My mother was and Conner didn't mind going, but I could never get into it. That is why I was hesitant go, but Kathryn said that there was a chance that Conner would be there since his foster mom was also religious and has been visiting the Cathedral for awhile now.

Thats how I ended up sitting in the front row at the notorious St. Charles Cathedral. The sermon, or whatever its called, hasn't started yet seeing as that we are thirty minutes early. I am seated closest to the aisle so I can spot Conner who has yet to show. Seated next to me is Riley. We have become pretty good friends over the past few weeks. So far she is the only one who has had a full conversation with me. I have spoken with a few of the other girls, but they give choppy sentences and book it out of the room just as fast as they had come. The others I haven't spoken to.

Suddenly, the doors to the Cathedral swing open and Conner emerges. His eyes search the crowd for a few seconds before spotting me, a wide grin makes its way onto his face. Soon enough, he is embracing me, arms wrapping around my middle tightly. I rest my chin on the top of his head and laugh silently. Has he grown in the time we've been apart?

"I missed you so much," his words are muffled into my shirt.

I laugh silently, "I've missed you too."

No more words are spoken as we take our seats and wait for the priest to arrive.

I take the chance to catch up with Conner. He tells me that he really likes the place he is staying-as much as a kid who just lost their old life could-and has made a few friends. His foster mom is a nice lady who spoils the boys yet keeps them in line and teaches them to act like gentlemen. I needed to hear this. I feel so much better knowing that Conner truly is in good hands.

Soon enough the Priest walks in and stands behind the podium and asks us to take out our bibles. As everyone is getting out their bibles, I don't move an inch towards mine.

Riley takes notice of this and inquires, "How come you aren't getting out your bible?"

"What's the point when I'm not going to pay attention anyways?"

"Well maybe you should try to pay attention. Father Rinaldi is an excellent teacher and he ha-"

I cut her off mid-sentence and snap, "Look, I don't really care what he has to say. I'm not a very religious person; never have been, never will be. So just drop it."

She tenses as her eyes cast down to her lap, twiddling her thumbs. She mutters a quiet, "sorry," before facing the podium and following along in the bible as the Priest reads a verse.

I regret snapping at her like that. She didn't deserve it.

My moods lately don't make sense. I'm usually a pretty happy, nice and composed person. But now, I seem to be depressed, rude and unhinged.

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