Obi-Wan Reluctantly Attends a Dinner and Justice is Served

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Reports of Tatooine's uprising are slow to spread. The Galactic Holonet is silent on the subject, but the Holomedia boards begin to fill with images and stories from the liberation thanks to the clone troopers wanting to share their adventures with their brothers all across the galaxy.

When the first rumors reach Obi-Wan's ears on Mandalore, he groans because he knows, he just knows that Anakin is there. The very second he felt safe enough to leave Anakin unsupervised, (Padme, Ahsoka and the droids don't count), to leave Naboo, his former Padawan decides to go haring off across the galaxy to free the slaves on his home planet.

Before, (and where Obi-Wan once divided his life between before Qui-Gon's death and after, he now divides it between before and after Palpatine's defeat), Obi-Wan would have tried to pretend he wasn't fully aware of what Anakin was doing, to create plausible deniability for when the Council found out what was going on and started asking questions. He would have played ignorant, or barring that, he would have quietly gone chasing after his wayward brother to drag him out of whatever mess he had embroiled himself in before Anakin created a galactic incident. Now things have changed. The Council is the least of Obi-Wan's worries. Now his anxieties center solely on Anakin.

Anakin is not invincible nor all powerful. He is battered, and worn, and he is tired after three years of fighting a sham war. Going back to his home planet, going back into danger so soon after everything may be too much for Anakin to bear. If it wasn't for the knowledge that Captain Rex, the 501st, and a good portion of the 212th were with him, Obi-Wan would already be on the first ship heading towards the Outer Rim.

Of course when Satine tells him that she will be hosting a diplomatic entourage from the Separatist Alliance as part of the final negotiations of the Reconstruction Accords and requests he escort her to the event, Obi-Wan seriously considers ignoring good sense and heading for Tatooine anyway. The last thing he needs to do is be part of galaxy wide political negotiations. He dislikes almost all politicians; Palpatine being revealed as a Sith Master hasn't helped change his opinion, only solidify it. However, upon learning of the diplomatic envoy the Council has all but ordered him to travel to Mandalore to attend on behalf of the Jedi Order, (not knowing that he is already on Mandalore and has been for some time). So between Satine and the Council, Obi-Wan re-dons the mantle of Jedi Master and High Councilor, trying to ignore how it feels like he is taking up a heavy burden rather than stepping into his chosen role in life.

When he sees who is leading the entourage, unthinkingly he lets go of Satine's arm and nearly bolts out of a window. The Duchess tries to grab him, but it is Quinlan Vos yelling Obi-Wan's name that has him freezing guiltily, a few steps from freedom.

"Oh, let him run, Quin," Asajj Ventress practically purrs from where she stands beside Knight Vos. "I've missed the sight of Jedi running in fear since the war has stopped."

Obi-Wan's shoulders tighten and he whirls around. While Mandalore may be a peaceful planet, he is not going to let such an insult pass, especially not from a Sith politician! "As I recall, it was you who turned tail to run at the first hint of trouble."

"Really? That's not what I remember."

"Then I suggest you seek medical attention for your spotty memory, my darling," he snaps back at her.

"My darling?" Satine and Quinlan echo together. Obi-Wan flushes, kicking himself for forgetting he has an audience and it is not Anakin.

Quinlan looks ready to burst out laughing, his eyes dancing with the possibility of years of teasing. Satine looks deeply unimpressed, her eyes flashing under her arched brows.

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