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Loud explosions created sudden tremors on the ground. The Hive began to tilt as explosions from the inside continued. People screamed for help and ran for their lives but everything happened so fast. Civilians and soldiers buried alive under concrete and metals. All because of that one life they wanna take.


The thought ate my conscience as I stared over the consequence of my survival; a cloud of dust over  hundreds of corpses buried under the ruins of the Hive.

Their lives in exchange for that one shot of finding out the truth.

"Elon! You will pay!!" Tears of unwavering anger fell off my eyes and increased the humidity inside the suit as I continued to thrust towards the Ozone layer. Their death shall not be in vain, a promise I made at exactly 10 AM of November 8, 2031.

"Cass, scan the atmospheric composition in every layer we pass  through" I had a hunch that something weird was going on.

"On it."

Danger incoming!

The suit's alarms went off! In a split of a second, Cass showed me the distance, estimated time of impact and the kind of projectiles headed towards me.

"Deploying flares" The suit's weaponry is connected to the neural link between Cass and I. So everything is real time and triggers automatically by just thinking of it. Pretty handy, right?

Apparently, they've switched communication channels, cleared up my trojan, and rebooted their servers. The main reason why I can't hear any internal commands anymore.

Good news! The flares worked in stopping the projectiles.

Bad news: quite a number of ships and drones were then on my tail.

Laser beams that could carve a hole through a stadium, homing projectiles, laser bullets and more chased me as a soared. Cass predicted the paths and impact zones and provided me flight paths that I could follow to evade all these deadly blows. I was so focused on the flight path that I could hardly fight back and just fired flares for close calls. After all, this is the alpha test of this suit and my first time piloting anything that flies. Insane, right?

Later on, news networks began broadcasting the aerial battle that's going on. Netizens from across the Globe witnessed how bad of a pilot I was. But luckily, I was still alive.

Moments later, an enemy ship exploded without me firing at it.

"Sir Madrid! Philippine Air Force is at your disposal!" A voice message from an unknown frequency came.

The drones I donated for the country's defense appeared out of nowhere like locusts ready to infest a whole wheatfield. Using their invisibility feature they joined the battle from the enemy's blindspots and destroyed a large number of the enemy's forces that were tailing me.

"Mr. Madrid, go ahead. Let us pay you back a little help will ya?" The Philippine president talked in the same unknown frequency.

The feeling of relief was unreal. All this time, they laid low and waited for the right moment to back me up and they didn't disappoint.

"Thank you, Mr. President!"

I thrust further leaving the aerial battle to them.

But just as I was about to fetch the scan results...

A huge explosion blew me off balance and I gained an abrupt increase in altitude.

A nuclear bomb was detonated right above the city. Getting rid of the drones that lent me hand.

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