Brotherly Love

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite a while, I've just been really busy with a lot of things going on. I'm also going to physical therapy for my lower back pain.

Back at home, Sam called The Frog Brothers, thanks to the phone number on the comic they gave him, and told them about what was happening to Michael. Nanook was right next to Sam on his bed and Gracie was just curled up asleep on Sam's bed behind him.

"You did the right thing by calling us," Edgar told him over the phone, "Does your brother sleep a lot?"

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"You did the right thing by calling us," Edgar told him over the phone, "Does your brother sleep a lot?"

"Yeah all day," Sam answered.

"Does the sunlight freak him out?" Alan asks him.

"He wears sunglasses in the house," Sam replies.

"Bad breath? Long fingernails?" Edgar questions.

"Yes, his fingernails are a bit longer," Sam admits, "He always had bad breath though."

The Frog Brothers nodded to each other in confirmation. "He's a vampire alright," Alan confirms, and then asks, "Is your sister with you?"

"No, she told me she's staying with a friend tonight," Sam replies.

"Alright, here's what you do. Get yourself a good sharp steak and drive it through his heart," Edgar tells him.

"I can't do that he's my brother," Sam protests

"Okay. We'll come over and do it for you," Alan offers.

"No!" Sam protests.

"You better get a good garlic T-shirt, buddy because otherwise it's your funeral," Edgar said and then they hang up.

When the four vampires, Star, Laddie and Stacy all got back to the cave the first thing David did was grab the fancy jewel bottle that had the red liquid that Stacy drank last night. He then poured some of it into a red sippy cup making Stacy wonder what he was going to do. When David was handing it to Stacy, she realized the intention.

"No way," Stacy said shaking her head, "That stuff tasted disgusting the first time I drank it and I'm not drinking it out of a baby cup

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"No way," Stacy said shaking her head, "That stuff tasted disgusting the first time I drank it and I'm not drinking it out of a baby cup."

David chuckles, "Don't worry I think you'll find this tastier, and it's not a baby cup, it's a sippy cup."

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