013. scoops troops, do you copy

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scoops troops,
do you copy?
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮THIRTEEN! scoops troops, do you copy? ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         "I should of never skipped gym class!" Ashley was practically dry heaving, desperate for any kind of air to fill her otherwise depleted lungs.

The teen girl liked to think that she was in decent shape. Growing up as an alt kid in Chicago, she used to force herself to walk everywhere in doc martens. It didn't matter how bad her blisters were, she would climb a multitude of stairs, run for the train or just leisurely walk around the park in those heavy boots.

But walking up the steepest hill in Hawkins, proved that Ashley was not as fit as she once believed. She had barely made it halfway before having to reluctantly stop, huffing and puffing due to a lack of air. She had no idea how the others were almost at the top, when she was practically dying.

"Come on, Ashley! We need you up here!" Dustin exclaimed, upon noticing the teen was missing from their group.

"I'm coming, jesus! I'm like dying down here!" Ashley shouted back in annoyance.

The girl was trying to take as many breaths as she could, thinking her lungs would somehow die out on her in the next minute or so. After a much needed breather (that was too long for the others' liking), she forced herself to continue her trek up the god forsaken hill.

By the time Ashley had made it up the hill, the group of teens had already begin the navigation process for the adults in the secret Russian base. She didn't think it had taken her that long to reach the top but the amount of necessary breaks proved otherwise.

"Scoops Troop, this is.....Bald Eagle." The depleted voice of Murray came through the intercom. "I've reached another junction."

"This is what?" Dustin pondered.

"The fourth junction." Erica confirmed.

"Alright, so if memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony thesis." Dustin reminded.

"My Little Pony?" Ashley look at them in confusion, at a loss of words at the conversation.

"We went left, so he has to go right." Erica pointed out.

"Right." Dustin instantly agreed with the preteen girl. "Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right." He spoke in the walkie talkie.

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