Chapter 3

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Percy's skin is still pale and though the panic attack has been abated, the shock is beginning to set in. Bruce keeps a steadying hand on the kid's elbow, though he is just as stunned as everyone else. Well, maybe Thor is stunned, just a bit smug and a little too happy for what just occurred. 

Fury pushes forward, a determined look on his face and Bruce can tell the interrogation is about to start. He's about to stand up and block Percy from view, but it seems that he's not the only one who's noticed the teen's precarious condition. Steve is already there, putting a hand out to stop Fury.

"Step aside, Cap," Fury says evenly and levels his gaze at the soldier.

Steve doesn't waver, as if any of them really expected him to. "I know that what he just did was a bit... extreme, but right now is not the time to question him. We should get this mess cleaned up and let Percy here rest. He's a bit of a scare and I bet sleep would do well." He turns briefly and looks back at Percy, who stares up at him with wide green eyes. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind explaining after that."

The demigod (A/N which is unknown to literally everyone in the room) nods and glances around at everyone. He feels tiny and helpless. He doesn't even know much about the thing that exploded and caused this whole mess, only that it's called a TV and he has been avoiding it all evening. It's one more thing he doesn't understand and right now he's trying to keep things as simple as he can. Not that it's any use anymore with how much this situation has spiraled out of control.

Slowly and carefully Bruce guides him up from the couch and pulls him in the direction of the elevator. The fiery redhead follows, not the nice one who greeted him when he arrived but the other one who kind of scares him. Poor Banner's pants are soaked from the couch though he doesn't seem to mind much, at least at the moment, but Percy's are completely dry, something everyone takes note of.

Dr. Banner takes him to the spare room he's been using in Stark Towers. He supposes he could just take him to any of the extra rooms Tony has, but he finds more comfort he keeping the boy close. Tony took all the cameras out of Bruce's room after a rather heated argument in which Bruce did in fact turn a little green. He feels the boy will feel more secure here and just knowing that he can observe him without the others hovering, makes his tense shoulders loosen. The last thing Percy needs his guide turning into a raging monster and throwing him into a wall.

He opens the door and ushers Percy inside, even waiting for Natasha as well. He doesn't mind her company. She's not like Fury, at least not anymore. She's a bit more compassionate, something that Bruce has only learned more recently. 

The curtains are drawn most to the way closed, only letting a little of the afternoon light in. Bruce motions to the rarely-slept-in bed in the middle of the room. "You can rest there. Ms. Romanoff here will keep anyone from bothering you and I'll just be in there" he motions to the bathroom on their right "changing."

Percy nods. He moves rather quickly over to the bed and burrows under the covers hiding even his hair from view. Bruce shares a look with Natasha. 

"Keep an eye on him," he whispers.

She nods and moves over to the couch on the opposite side of the room. Wisely she decides against turning the TV on for now and simply relaxes back, listening as the teen's breathing slowly evens out. His sleep sounds troubled even from here. Tony was saying something about the kid having amnesia, not understanding what was going on. Of course, that was before he apologized for somehow making the pipes explode in his fright. Even the billionaire didn't know what to say then.

She waits for Bruce, but when she hears the water running she realizes it will likely be a long wait. So she thinks back once again to what she knows of Percy. He has amnesia and likes scotch. There's a white bandage tucked under his hair around his head and an abundance of scratches littering his arms. Some kind of accident then, probably a car crash. There are no burns that would have come from an explosion so a car crash seems the most likely for the injuries, seeing as the cuts on his arms are probably from glass shards. He has bruised ribs unless he's good at making injuries look less severe and they're actually broken. A car crash would explain the amnesia, but could such an accident cause such an extreme loss of memory that he'd forget everything? Tony had growled that he didn't even know his name and the way he acted during the party indicated a skittishness caused by unfamiliarity. 

She sighs. For now, she'll do as Bruce and Steve want. She'll give the boy the rest and peace of mind that he seems to need at the moment. Contrary to popular belief she isn't completely cold-hearted and she did notice the almost-panic attack. He's in shock now, but that's the least of their worries. 

What does his apparent control of (or lack of) water mean? What does it stem from? With the boy's amnesia does he even know? Nick Fury is going to be all over this. He has some strange fascination with recruiting or trying to kill people with strange powers. The poor kid won't be left alone now. 

Still, just who in the world is Percy?

Natasha's so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't know notice the water being turned off or the shuffling of movement from behind the bathroom door. In fact, she only knows Dr. Banner's out of the shower when he steps out the bathroom door and clears his throat. She turns to see him standing there, slightly wet and blushing quite spectacularly, wearing only a towel around his waist. 

"I seem to have forgotten to grab clothes."


A/N: Finally! An update! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. This story is really fun to write and I think it's going to be one of my favorites. I haven't read one like it (and I've read A LOT of fanfic!) and it's nice to be able to write a one-of-a-kind story. 

Be mindful. It's unedited. 

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