Covert ops

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Even though Aziraphale had said that Crowley seemed to have no idea who he was and looked scared, not angry, Nina wasn't completely convinced. She though that maybe Crowley was just pretending because he didn't want to talk to Aziraphale, even if that seemed a crazy thing to do.

They had decided it would be best to wait until later in the day to talk to Crowley and that was preferable to Nina. She wanted to help but she didn't trust Maggie or the angels to run her coffee shop and she needed the morning sales.

When Nina got to St. James Bentley, she didn't see Crowley anywhere. She hoped he'd be out in the lot but she didn't even see him through the window.

A man about her height with dark brown hair approaches her with a smile. He's wearing a clearly tailored olive green suit that compliments his tan complexion. She makes note that his teeth are insanely white. Even though she fancies women she finds him intimidatingly handsome.

"Good afternoon ma'am! Anything I can help you with?" He smiles at her.

Nina looks into the building one last time before answering, "uh, actually I was hoping to speak to a specific employee here." His smile drops for a moment before he picks back up a less sincere one. Nina continues, "he's a tall, skinny fellow. Red hair. Wears sunglasses. Does he work here?"

Conrad swallows hard. "You're looking for Tony," he says in a clearly fake happy tone, "I can go get him for you."

Tony? Nina thinks to herself as the man walks away, really?

Not 5 minutes later a man who is undeniably Crowley walks out of the dealership doors. He studies Nina as he walks up to her. Nina notices that he's traded his skinny jeans for a suit and tie.

He seems skeptical as he greets her, "hi, you asked for me specifically?"

"Yes." Nina takes a beat to remember the lie they'd planned. "I- a friend of mine bought a car from you and recommended you with flying colors." She can see the tension in Crowley's shoulders loosen.

"Oh! Glad to hear it," he smiles, "it's nice to meet you, Mrs?"

"You can call me Nina," she squints at him. Crowley asks what she's in the market for, a question that catches her off guard. She tells him that she's not looking for anything in particular today. Those are Crowley's favorite type of customers.

As the 2 meander around the lot (Crowley is leading them towards the more expensive models), Nina isn't listening to a word of his sales pitch.

She can't help but stare. It's so clearly Crowley and even though she didn't know the demon too well, she knows this isn't him. But it is. There are mannerisms that are the same. He walks with a sway and keeps his hands into his pockets. Even though she's not paying attention to the pitch she notices all his weird noises and blabbering speech pattern.

After not answering a straight up question Crowley turns to catch her blatantly starring. She just can't believe that he really doesn't know who she is.

"Have we meet before?" The smirk that was on Crowley's face immediately falls. "You seem so familiar," Nina continues.

Crowley doesn't want to go through this again but this time seems casual. "No, I don't think we have," he replies.

She squints at him. Come off it Crowley. "You sure?" The group had planned for him not to know. "You live in Mayfair?"

Again she can physically see relief come over the demon. He sighs, "no. I don't"

"Really? You don't live by the royal academy? First floor, own a yorkie. That's not you?" It's a beautifully crafted lie.

The corners of Crowley's lips curl as he shakes his head, "nope. I live in
Westminster." He starts walking again.

It's a good start but she needs more info. "You like it?" She blurts out a bit too loudly.

Crowley looks back and crinkles his brow, "what?"

"Where you live," Nina clarifies, "do you like it? I'm assuming it's a flat."

Crowley blinks at her, not that she can see it through the shades. He figures she's just one of those personable people and he needs this sale to make up for the Aston Martin but his head isn't in the right place either. "Yeah, a flat. It's pretty nice."

Come on give me more to work with! "I'm thinking of moving when my lease is up," she makes herself interested in a green Bentley Bentayga. "My downstairs neighbor's got this annoying yappy dog," she smiles at him, "wakes me up real early every day."

Crowley chuckles, "well you probably wouldn't like my place, then. It's right by the Cathedral so those bells make it impossible to sleep in." Gotcha, Nina thinks. "What do you think of the Bentayga? With the hybrid engine it's practically silent."

"Huh?" Nina forgot she was supposed to be car shopping, "oh, yeah, it's nice." She has what she needs. Nina checks her watch, "wow! Would you look at the time! I actually have a thing," she starts to back away. Crowley doesn't let her leave without taking a business card.

Nina drives away but stays in the area until 5:50. That's when she pulls around the block, parking across the street to wait for Crowley to head home. It's 10 after 6 when his Bentley pulls out of the lot.

She follows him onto Victoria Street. There's no way his flat is more than a mile away if it's near the Cathedral. Nina knows she has to keep some distance so not to spook him. Keeping distance isn't hard because he's absolutely flying. He's doing double the speed limit. She can see his Bentley hang a right on Palace Street but by the time she turns, he's no where to be seen. Nina drives slowly down the street. There isn't far he could've gone from here.

"Ah-ha!" She sees the vintage car parked on a side road in front of a high-rise apartment building. "Gotcha, now," she smirks. She's forgotten slightly why she's doing this and got caught up in the mission. She only remembers the gravity of what's going on when she gets her phone out to call Maggie.

Nina's a real one, for sure. I had a lot of fun writing from her point of view so I hope that you guys had fun reading it!

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