Angels can be pretty scary

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Crowley, of course, spent the drive brainstorming. Breaking into Heaven will be difficult but getting out will be even harder. He figures he'll need an array of help to pull this off. Crowley is prepared to burn the whole blessed place down to get Aziraphale out, though.

Between the motion of the car, moving surroundings and his rapid thought process, Crowley's headache throbs against his temple. Taking deep controlled breaths is all he can do to settle the nausea. That is, until he remembers that it really isn't. Crowley snaps his fingers in front of his face and just like that his mind feels clear and the metallic taste leaves his mouth.
He'll worry about his knee and shoulder later.

The Bentley swerves into a spot right out front of Aziraphale's bookshop in a practiced, refined movement. Crowley takes a deep breath as he saunters through the doors. To know that his angel won't be inside pulls on his emotions but Crowley knows he's got to keep his wits.

"Oi, Muriel," he calls as he spins around the circular entryway, unsure exactly in what direction the scrivener is. Hurried squeaks sound through the floorboard above follow by choppy steps down the spiral staircase.

"Mr. Crowley!" Muriel calls from behind a stack of books on a desk, "you're back." Crowley walks around one of the score of bookshelves in the shop to meet them. "You are back, right?" Muriel asks, "as in yourself?"

Crowley nods, "yup, good as new."

A wide smile lights up Muriel's face, "oh, good! Somehow you seemed even more grumpy NOT knowing you were a demon." Crowley can't help but chuckle at that one, but, even though Muriel didn't necessary mean it as a joke, it's no time to be playing around.

The demon claps his hands together. "Okay," he begins, "what can you tell me to help get Aziraphale back? Anything you think might be relevant."

The smile falls off Muriel's face. They shrink, "I- I don't think that I'm allowed to do that Mr. Crowley." They shift from foot to foot. "Heaven wouldn't like that."

Crowley blinks rapidly, "what? We've got to get Aziraphale." He didn't think Muriel would be ready to charge into heaven but at least help with info.

They look at their shoes before replying, "I would be in so much trouble. The higher-ups are still upset about me helping you into heaven last time." Muriel twists their pinky in their other hand.

Crowley can't help but feel angry. He stammers, "oh- come on, we can't leave him up there! It's like you don't even want to help him!" He throws his arms up, "you have to. I mean-" Crowley let's out a frustrated growl. He thinks of threatening Muriel, putting the fear of himself in them. It would be the demonly thing to do.

Muriel is obviously flustered and nervous. "Of course I want to help! It's just..." Crowley turns his hand in circles, prompting them to go on. "It's not safe for an angel to- to go against heaven."

Crowley thinks of how long it took Aziraphale to wiggle from under the threatening divine thumb. Muriel has only been on earth for a few months. It took Aziraphale millennia to actively go against his side, Aziraphale doesn't have millennia to wait for Muriel to come around, though. Crowley realizes that he's going to have to expedite the process.

"Okay." He takes a deep breath, "I get it, you're afraid of what will happen if you get caught." He puts on his best sympathy face. It helps to think of real possibility that the angels might put Muriel to the torch if things go sideways. "It can be scary going against your respective side but I've crossed that grey line a few times and I'm fine."

Crowley places a hand on their shoulder and continues, "and really which is scarier? Angels or demons?" It's a very subtle threat but, also, he has a point he's trying to make.

Muriel seems overly aware of the hand cupped on their shoulder. They look to the hand and back to it's demonic owner. "I'm not sure. I- I guess it would depend on the circumstances?" They more ask than state. Crowley raises an accusing eye brow and gestures upward with his eyes.

"Oh! Demons," Muriel blurts out, remembering that they're on the side of heaven. "Demons are evil so of course they're way scarier than angels, who are good."

As they speak Crowley softens his grip on their shoulder into something genuine. He bends to be at eye level, "well, your standing here having a conversation with a demon so," he makes a clicking noise, "make what you will of that."

The cogs in Muriel's head turn as they process that. Crowley decides to go on while they're chewing that food for thought. He drops his hand and takes a step back, "look, kid, you were too afraid to even come out of hiding until they left, earlier. What would you like to guide you, fear or love?" He stressed that last sentence in a very sincere manner.

"Love?" Muriel repeats it more questioning that a demon cares about love, than answering.

Crowley takes it. "Exactly! Let love lead us! Don't let the fear of heaven stop us. I need to get Aziraphale back so help me do that!" Man, I should be a lawyer, Crowley thinks to himself. Muriel thinks for a moment before agreeing.

Dang, there's a whole other half of conversation I wanted to add to this chapter but I think it's best I make it it's own. You catch Crowley subtly admitting to someone else that he loves Aziraphale? Well, as always, thank you for reading.

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