✨2- A Blend of Personalities ✨

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I think I've seen this film before

And I didn't like the ending

You're not my homeland anymore

So, what am I defending now?


Today's Aiza's first day at King's University. Ryna and I are in Section A, while Aiza's in Section C. But she's not alone - Carter and Jeremy are there with her. Aaron and Ronan, they're with us.

We still need to introduce Aiza properly to everyone. We did a quick intro on Christmas, but we know Aiza won't take the first step. So here we are, the three of us, chilling in the cafeteria waiting for the guys.

You might be wondering how we ended up friends with these guys. Well, Ronan is like this social butterfly. He's the heart of the university, everyone loves him. But he's got eyes for one girl - our Ryna.

Aaron has been a huge help to me, especially when I was new here. We sit together in class and he even helps me with my assignments sometimes.

Jeremy is a man of few words. I've never seen his full face - he's always hiding behind that black mask. I met him at a fresher's party with Aaron, who told me they're roommates, more like Aaron is staying at Jeremy's place.

And then there's Caleb Carter, the university playboy. Our first meeting was a disaster - he hit me with a football on my first day and I almost passed out. Let's just say he's not my favorite person.

"Your lordship is here, ladies," Ronan announces as he slides into the seat next to me. Aaron follows suit, taking the seat next to Aiza. Aiza shoots me a wide-eyed 'where did you put me?' look. Jeremy settles in next to Ronan, across from Aiza and Ryna. And then there's Carter, who just has to make a grand entrance that has the whole cafeteria's eyes on him. Girls are practically swooning.

"Good afternoon, amour," he greets, saluting with his fore and middle finger. I can't help but roll my eyes. He takes the seat across from me, next to Ryna.

"So, guys, we called you here because we wanted to introduce our friend Aiza to you," Ryna begins. "Yes, so this is Aiza, our best friend. Aiza, meet Ronan, Aaron, Jeremy, and Caleb," I chime in. "Nice to meet you all, again," Aiza says with a tight smile. As everyone tries to strike up a conversation with her, Aiza being Aiza gives two-word answers to dodge the conversation.

"Aiza, since you're best friends with Ryna and Ana, and they're our best friends, that indirectly or directly makes you our best friend," Ronan declares. "I don't make best friends." Aiza says "but Ana and Ryna are." Ronan says "i don't know how they forced themselves in my orbit." Aiza retorts in a stern voice.

The table falls silent as Carter asks, "Why don't you make best friends?" Ryna and I exchange worried glances as Aiza excuses herself to make a call instead of Answering carter's question.

"Maybe your gravitational force was high," Jeremy suddenly pipes up as Aiza turns to leave. There's a silent exchange - a question in her eyes, an unspoken understanding in his.

I try to read Aiza's expression but it's unreadable. I catch Ryna's eye and she nods following Aiza out of the cafeteria.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ronan asks after an awkward silence. "No," I reply before turning to Jeremy and Carter. "You guys better watch your backs."

I turn to Aaron who's been quietly observing everything unfold. "Aaron could you help me find a book in the library?" I ask him as we both leave the cafeteria.

As I'm copying notes from the book Aaron found, I can't help but ask him, "Aren't you curious about what happened earlier?" He shakes his head. "Why not?" I press on. He looks up from his phone, "I don't think it's necessary. It's Aiza's issue; let her handle it. I don't like meddling in other people's business." His words hang in the air - other people's business. His attitude has changed since Christmas night, after they left our apartment.

"Aaron," a voice calls out, and we both turn to see Kylie standing there with three books in her hand. I never knew she studied; every time I've seen her, she's always flirting with someone. "Kylie," Aaron greets her.

"Aaron, I need a little help with some designs. I hope you won't mind," Kylie says. "Of course not," he replies just as my phone rings. "I have to take this call; it's my mom," I tell Aaron and step out of the library.

When I return, I find Kylie sitting in my seat, way too close to Aaron for comfort. My books have been closed and pushed aside. A twinge of annoyance flares up inside me, but I push it down. After all, it's just a seat, right? But still... it's MY seat.

Feeling a sudden shift in my mood, I stride over to them and grab my books. "Ahaana, did something happen?" Aaron asks, concern etched on his face. "Nothing, I just remembered some work. I'm leaving," I reply curtly, gathering my stuff and exiting the library.

The university is almost deserted now; it's 5 pm and most of the students have gone home. Aiza and Ryna have also left to pick up groceries. As I wander through the pathways, the strumming of a guitar reaches my ears. The sound is coming from an empty classroom at the end of the hallway. Curiosity piqued; I decide to investigate.

I follow the sound; the sound increase as I reach closer. I slide open the window little bit and view in front of me shocks me.


His hair, the tattoo, the music, the room, the phone call... him. It's all rushing back to me. No, no, no! I try to push it away, to forget that incident. But it's like a whirlwind in my mind, refusing to settle down. Panic sets in. It's too much, too fast. I can't escape it. It's there, always there. A constant reminder of what happened.

Feeling a rush of emotions, I bolt from the spot and dash to the closest bathroom. The second I'm inside, I slam the door shut and just let it all out. Tears start pouring down my face as I let myself feel everything I've been holding back.

The shrill ring of my phone snaps me out of my thoughts. It's Aiza. I shoot her a quick text saying I'll call her back later.

I haul myself up and take a hard look at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy, hair all over the place. I rummage through my bag for my facewash and give my face a good scrub, hoping to wash away the remnants of my emotional breakdown.

I barely step out of the bathroom when I run into Aaron again who seems surprised to see me there again so soon after our previous encounter "What are you doing here?" "Were you crying?" he asks with concern in his eyes "No," "What makes you think that?" "Eyes don't lie...," he points out with a small smile on his face "Think whatever you want," I say and leave.

"Give me your bag," he suddenly says "What?" "Your bag, it's heavy." After a moment's hesitation, we swap bags.

We part ways at the bus station where Jeremy is already waiting to pick up Aaron on his Harley.

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