✨ 19- The Game Begins: Jealousy, Threats, and Promises ✨

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In the echoes of accusation, a truth comes to light,

A game of hearts begins, under the moon's soft light.

A confession made, a promise to fight,

In the midst of chaos, two souls take flight.


"Look at you, crying over a death you caused," Aaron accuses, his voice echoing around me

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"Look at you, crying over a death you caused," Aaron accuses, his voice echoing around me. I turn to face him, my heart pounding. "You really think I caused his accident?" I retort, wiping away my tears. He laughs, a harsh, bitter sound. "Think? No, Caleb, I know it was you."

He brings up the guitar - if I hadn't taken it from him, he wouldn't have chased me. "How was I supposed to know he'd get hit by a truck? I didn't plan this!" I defend myself. But Aaron's not buying it. "No matter what you say, I'm not falling for your lies. You were jealous of him and his guitar. Jealous that his parents let him follow his dream while yours didn't. His accident is on you." His words sting, and I clench my fists.

"I'm done defending myself," I tell him, turning away. "Believe what you want." But he's not done. "So, you admit it then? You caused his accident?" His words are like a punch to the gut, but I hold back my anger.

Then he drops a bombshell. "Ana and I went on a coffee date today." His words catch me off guard. Ana... "I promise you, Caleb, Ana will be your karma." He smirks, and I can't help but grab his neck.

He just laughs, goading me on. "Go ahead, Caleb. Get your hands dirty again." But I release him, seething with anger. "YOU WILL NOT HURT ANA," I warn him. But he just laughs again. "Too late, brother. The game has already begun."

As he walks away, he throws one last comment over his shoulder. "By the way, Mia and Ana are pretty tight now. And maybe Ana knows Jake... I've seen how she reacts when he's around." He leaves me standing there, alone with my thoughts.

I'm left standing there, my mind racing. Aaron's words echo in my head. Ana... Jake... Mia... it's all too much. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of Ana and Aaron together. But it's his threat that really gets to me. "Ana will be your karma," he'd said. What does he mean by that?

I shake off the feeling of dread and decide to confront Ana about it. I need to know if what Aaron said is true. Is she really friends with Mia? Does she know Jake? And most importantly, does she have feelings for Aaron?

As I walk away, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. Aaron's words have left a bitter taste in my mouth. But one thing's for sure - I won't let him hurt Ana. No matter what it takes, I'll protect her.

And as for Aaron, he may think he's won this round, but the game is far from over. He's messed with the wrong guy. I won't let him get away with this. The game has indeed begun, and I'm ready to play.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I need to find Ana, talk to her, make sure she's okay. But as I start to move, a thought stops me. What if Aaron's right? What if Ana has feelings for him? No, I can't think like that. I need to trust Ana.

The next day, as soon as I arrive at the university, I spot Ana in her usual spot - the quiet corner of the library, with Aiza and Ryna. As I approach, she looks up, surprise flashing in her eyes. "Caleb," she says, "What's wrong?" I hesitate, unsure of how to begin. But then I remember Aaron's smug face and I know what I need to do. "Can we talk in private for a moment?" I ask.

Aiza and Ryna understand and leave us alone. I'm still hesitating, not knowing how to start when Ana breaks the silence. "Caleb, I hope you don't mind me asking," she begins, and I turn to look at her. "Of course not, what is it, Ana?" I ask.

"Is there something going on between you and Aaron?" Her question catches me off guard. "Why do you ask?" I manage to say. She sighs, "Look Caleb, I've talked with my friends and from what they've told me, we need to have a straightforward conversation. No beating around the bush." She pauses before adding, "I feel like I'm caught in the middle of whatever is going on between you and Aaron."

"Given my past experiences, I can't afford another heartbreak. I don't think I'd survive it," she confesses, her voice barely above a whisper. I just look at her, trying to comprehend the depth of her emotions.

"I'm torn between my feelings for you and Aaron," she admits, her gaze steady. "You both are dear friends to me, but I'm struggling to articulate this..." She pauses, then drops the bombshell. "Let's go on a DATE."

Her words hit me like a lightning bolt. A date? With Ana? I'm left speechless, my mind racing to catch up with the sudden turn of events.

This is the first time ever Ana has taken first step.

Her words leave me stunned. "You both have been open about your feelings for me, and I don't want to hurt either of you. So, I've decided to go on three dates with each of you," she says.

The room spins a little as I try to process her words. Three dates? With both me and Aaron? It's an unexpected solution, but if it gives me a chance to show Ana how much I care about her, how much I love her, then I'm all in.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "Ana," I begin, "I want you to know that I respect your decision. It's not going to be easy, but I believe it's the right thing to do." I pause, gathering my thoughts. "I promise you; these dates won't just be about me trying to win you over. They'll be about us getting to know each other better, understanding our feelings, and figuring out what we truly want."

She looks at me, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions - uncertainty, hope, fear. But there's also a spark of determination there. "Thank you, Caleb," she says softly. "I appreciate your understanding."

As I leave the room, my mind is already racing with ideas for our dates. Each one will be special, unique - just like Ana. This isn't just a competition against Aaron; it's an opportunity for me to show Ana how much she means to me.

Three dates, two hearts, one goal - to find where our true feelings lie. Aaron may be a part of this journey, but in the end, it's about Ana and me. And no matter what happens, I'm ready to face it head-on.


Now will you guys stop rooting for Aaron? '

Well I wanted to post till chapters 20 before Christmas because I'll be busy till new year so i will be posting ch20 tomorrow or day after tomorrow. 

you all enjoy your Christmas Vacation!! I have to study. 

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