Chapter Three

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After school I walked outside to go to my bus. The last time I was here I could have died. My thoughts reminded me. A whisper of fear started burning inside of me. I looked over my shoulder, suddenly fearful. I couldn't move. What if they came back? I was paralyzed. I heard footsteps behind me and whirled around, ready to defend myself. "Leave me alone!" I shouted.

There stood a shocked Matt. I immediately felt sheepish. How could I have been so... foolish? Wary?... Scared?

"Whoa, Avery. Are you ok?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I...ummm..." I sighed and turned back around. "You... startled me." I gave an uneasy laugh. "That's all."

He walked up beside me, and concern filled his eyes. Or was it pity? I hated that look.

"PTSD, much?" He meant it as a joke.

Yes. "No."

He raised his eyebrows at me. He didn't say anything, though, and I was gratful for that. I cleared my throat. "About earlier, can we please just forget about that?"

"Why? Too cool?"

"Excuse me?"

He looked at me. "Well, the the whole crying on my shoulder thing in the rain... made you feel vulnerable. I can see that."

I rolled my eyes. "I do not feel vulnerable."

"You keep telling yourself that."

A black Dodge Dart pulled up and a woman stuck her hand out to wave at Matt. He smiled and waved back.

"Is that your mom?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Do you want to meet her?"

"Sure." I have never met a guy's mom before.

We walked over, and Matt's mom rolled down the passenger window.

"Hey, Mom. This is Avery Houston."

She looked at me and smiled. To say Matt looked just like her would be and understatement. They had the same light brown hair that was slightly curly. They shared beautiful blue eyes, and their face shape was the same. She stuck her hand out the window for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Avery. I'm Malissa."

"Nice to meet you, too, Malissa."

"Is this the girl you saved?" She asked Matt. I winced. She made me feel like some damsel in distress. I wish she wouldn't say it like that. I could feel my cheeks get hot. I started blushing. Matt did, too.

"Um, I wouldn't put it like that. I didn't save her." We both knew he did.

"Oh, ok then. I have heard a lot about you, my dear," Malissa said. Her voice was warm and soft; motherly. It was nice

Oh, you have? I wanted to say. I looked at Matt. He shrugged.

Matt pointed to the back seat at a girl who was about eight years old. She looked sad and shy. And hurt.

"This is Dara Jean."

"It's DJ." She quietly corrected. Matt looked at her fondly. There was sadness in his eyes. I looked at his hands. He was clenching them, and the knuckles were white. There was definitely something going through his mind right now, but I didn't know what.

"Hi, DJ." I greeted. She looked at me softly with barely a hint of a smile on the corners of her mouth.

"I should go. I have to catch a bus." I said to end the strange encounter. Matt looked at me and gave me a quick smile. "See you tomorrow." He said as he stepped into the car.

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