Chapter Four

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I woke up to a tap on my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open, and there was Matt. He looked rather confused and alarmed. Then I realized that I was laying on the ground in front of the school and sat up quickly.

"Avery, are you ok?" Matt asked.

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I had morning breath, was wearing the same clothes that I was yesterday, and my hair was a mess. I can't go to school like this! "No." I grumbled.

"Did you spend the night out here?"

"No! I just decided to take a nap in front of the school at seven in the morning!" I snapped sarcastically.

"Six, actually." He stated matter- of - factly

"Six? Why so early?" I muttered while scratching my head.

"My mom has work. Come on, you've got to be hungry."

"What?" I yawned.

"Com'on." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

He started walking away from school, and being as tired as I was, I just followed him. We ended up at the entrance of Casey's, a small café near the school.

"Matt, I'm a mess. I don't want to be seen in public."

"You look fine."

"Shut up." I said, as I reluctantly stepped through the door.

I immediately wished I walked in sooner. The smell of fresh doughnuts and coffee washed over me, and my stomach growled. We were the only customers, so we got immediate attention.

"Hello. What can I do for you?" Said a girl about nineteen years old. She paused about mid sentence to look at Matt. Cougar! I thought, while stifling a laugh. I was almost fifteen, and Matt couldn't be much older.

"Can we get... A plain coffee, a maple doughnut, and..." He looked at me. I said, "A mocha, and a maple doughnut..." My stomach did another growl, and I'm sure they heard it. "And a muffin?" I finished.

"Sure thing." The girl said, with one last look at Matt. We went to sit down at a little table with a view of the park. I ran my hand over the back of my hair, and winced at a huge knot. Matt saw this and said, "I told you, you look fine."

"Matt, I slept on the ground outside all night. I have dirt on my face, grass in my hair, and bugs in my shirt. I am not fine."

He chuckled and then studied me for a moment. "So, are you going to tell me why you slept outside?"

I remembered last night and all the screaming, and hate and tears. "Not if I can avoid it."

Then the girl came by with our food. I wolfed down my doughnut, and chugged my coffee. I just took my first bite of my muffin when the door opened. In walked five people. They were tall, tough, and way too familiar. I shrunk in my seat. Matt saw this, and turned to see what I was staring at. His eyes widened.

Cory and his gang took a seat across the room from us, but in a perfect spot for them to see us. They hadn't noticed us yet.

"Matt..." I whispered.

"It's ok, Avery." I wasn't listening to him. I was staring at the gang. "Avery, look at me." I did as told, and gulped. "This is a public area. They aren't going to do anything here." I nodded. I snuck one last glance at them and squeaked. Cory was looking directly at me. I breathed a quavering breath, telling myself that it will be one of my last.

Cory tapped Thomas' shoulder and looked at me. Thomas followed his gaze and smirked. Now, the whole group looked at us. "Avery, stop staring." Matt commanded quietly. I looked down and focused on my barley touched muffin. I wasn't too hungry anymore. I heard a few whispers coming from across the room. "Matt," I whined.

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