Chapter Eight

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Another Monday. I thought as I threw on a long sleeved black shirt, white vest, and black uggs. Cooler weather was approaching so I started preferring my warmer clothes. I grabbed my new baby blue backpack that was loaded with books and a binder and walked out of the room.

"Want a doughnut?" Matt asked as he held up a honey glazed one for me. I happily took it . I swallowed a big bite as I got my lunch out of the fridge.

"When did we get doughnuts?"

"My mom got them last night."

"Thanks, Malissa!" I shouted down the hallway.

DJ walked in wearing a Broncos jersey and a baseball cap.

"You like the Broncos, DJ?"

She nodded.

"Atta girl!" I knuckle bumped her. "Ya know, my dad and I used to sit on the couch with chips, dip, and cokes and watch football all the time. We should do that someday."

She smiled at me. I thought she was warming up to me.

We all left the house and took our normal seats in the car. We pulled up to DJ's school and Malissa said "K, kids. Listen up. I have a meeting to go to after work so I can't pick you all up. You'll need to ride the bus tonight." We all nodded and DJ got out.

We pulled up to the highschool and I heard a gasp when I got out of the car. I noticed Monica by the school doors looking at me. I rolled my eyes and followed Matt up to the school.

"Hey, Matt!" She said as she sauntered over, flicking her long, blonde hair behind her.

"Hey," He replied out of politeness. I'm not that nice. She's looked at me.

"So... Are you two getting rides together?" She said through a forced smile as she looked at me.

"Well, actyally we live with each other." I said just to get under her skin. Her face was priceless. It was a mix of jealousy, shock, and confusion.

"Oh," Was all she said. "Well I'm sure that must be fun," She turned to Matt and batted her eyes.

"What are you doing here this early?" Matt asked.

I didn't understand it. Thatbwas our exit. We could have left it there and walked away but Mr. Star Citizen had to further the conversation.

"My biology teacher is failing me, and now my mother is making me get it all figured out." She said with a bored tone. "Maybe you could help me sometime?" She took a step closer to him and touched his arm.

I couldn't hold myself back. He was way too good of a guy to be caught up in her dramatic life and I would not allow her to suck him in more than she already had. "Sorry darling, but he doesn't have time for rich girls with silver spoons," I rolled my eyes. "So remove yours before you try to get with guys that are 'out of your league' ". I whispered the last part and brushed past her to the school.

He chuckled and followed inside and headed to our lockers. "You two are awfully friendly." I snapped. I was disappointed on him for letting her sweet talk him.

"I was only being polite. You could learn a thing of two from me."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I could learn from you. Sounds a bit backwards, don't you think?" I slammed my locker.

"At least I'm not rude to people."

"But she's rude to everyone else!"

"Love thy enemy,"

"Excuse me?"

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