Chapter Eighteen

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On Friday, Batt/ Mair and I waited after school for the game. Triston was inside getting ready with his team, while we were out near the field. The opponents were coming in the field: the Redwood Mastiffs.

"Crud, Matt! I didn't know we were facing the Mastiffs!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't either. We're screwed, aren't we?"

"Yep." I sighed. The Mastiffs were our school's biggest rivals. They had the best sports teams in the district. The last time we played them, they crushed us, 75 to nothing. That was the last game of the year last season. I really hoped our guys had improved. Our team made their way onto the field. I saw Triston towards the front of the line. I silently prayed for a win. Only fifteen minutes into the game, the Mastiffs were in the lead. One really big Redwood player smashed into Tommy Kertoff, one of our recievers. He was injured not to the point of going to the hospital, but enough to have to sit out the rest of the game.

"I hate the Mastiffs!" Blair groaned.

"We don't stand a chance." Matt added.

"Mastiffs. More like hellhounds." I muttered.

My phone vibrated. I looked at the screen to realize it was from Cory.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to talk to him right now. I gave in and looked at the text.

r u mad? Avery u havent been answering my txts.

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

no.why on this whole freaking earth would I be mad at u? u have been the best boyfriend possible right? always making time for me and texting, and midnight phonecalls. is there a reason 2 b mad? plz note intense sarcasm.

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

im sorry. u r right. I havent been around much. but it has nothing 2 do with u. the guys have just kept me busy. they even tried to drag me away again tonight but i said no. I cant wait 4 the dance. i love u ok?

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

u r picking me up right?

Fri. Oct. 13,

what kind of bf would i b if i didnt?

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

The same kind you have been all week. I thought.

dance starts at eight thirty. pick me up thirty minutes early don't be late

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

sure thing. c u there. i love u.

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

Even through my little bit of resentment, seeing "i love u." on my phone screen made me blush.

I love me 2

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

hahahaha u r funny

Fri. Oct. 13, 2015

I focussed my attention back on the game. We weren't doing too well, and we only had minutes left. The score was 65 to 15. I watched our ball get hyked and our team ran to the other side. Roy Gilson had the ball and was sprinting down the field. He was so close! Only a few more meters...!

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