𝙤𝙣𝙚. the heads of the families

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The streets of Tokyo were bustling with the ever so restless and busy people going back and forth.

It has always been like that ever since...in the eyes of ordinary people.

But behind the scenes of the usual buzzing days of the people living a seemingly mundane life like that, are two-faced powerful businessmen who lurks not only in corporate world, but also underground.

"I have had enough!" Somewhere in the highest floor of the building in which this big tycoon's penthouse is sitting, a booming yell, partnered with a loud slam of the wooden table rang throughout the floor. The man was in his mid-50s.

"I won't be living my life worrying about the enemy like what you did!" He yelled once again and pointed at the older man who seemed to be in his 80s.

"Honey, please calm down, father is already old" a beautiful woman also in her 50s, clad in her usual sophisticated dress, tried to calm the man down by carressing his shoulders which seemed to work, somehow. The woman had always been the one who keeps her husband in check when it comes to these things.

"Our families have been enemies since I wasn't even born, don't you dare stoop down to their level and befriend them, Hajime!"

"I am the head of the family now, not you anymore, so I'll be making the decisions whether you like it or not!" He retorted.

"You're just too lazy to handle the problems occuring underground!"

"Call me lazy, I don't care! And I am tired of it! The corporation is already giving me headache, I don't need to be bothered more by the underground trades! Goodbye!"

"Hajime!" The old man fumed in anger.

On the other side of the spectrum, instead of heated-arguments, the father and son of one of the most prominent names in the corporate world on par with the former, has just been...well...talking calmly about the topic, which actually surprised the younger man.

"You do whatever you want, I'm already getting old and I'll die anyway, what's the point of stopping you" the old man said in a bored tone.

"But I doubt your son will agree, he was well versed of our family's history with that of the L/Ns"

"Psh, that's not a problem, I already got that part, there is no way he can escape this" the man grinned. "Because, as the current head of this family, the authority resides in me, and I can hereby declare that..."

In two different places, but at the same time, the two heads of the family proclaimed:

"My son..."

"My daughter..."

"Will marry each other in order to end the feud between the Gojo and L/N family!"

'And there will finally be peace between us, and I won't have to be bothered so much with the deals and trades, easier life'

'No more headaches with the underground business casualties and trades. More profits to the corporation as well'

'Hitting two birds in one shot' the two men grinned and thought, at the same time.


Just a warm up, I still need to finish blessing haha

(Megumi's definitely not difficult to write, nope, not at all)

arranged. 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪Where stories live. Discover now