Chili Story part 2

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I ring the doorbell. GoGo answers "(Y/N), Hiro time you showed up." I rolled my eyes"Well princess here had to fix his hair." He punches me in the arm and shouts " Hey!!!" I laugh and walk in Fred is laying on the coach. "Hey (Y/n) what happened to your arm."."Oh umm I burned it with chili." I can feel the blush. Ding Ding Ding. GoGo opens the door agin. "Hey is
(y/n) here yet??" I run to the door and tackle my bff (F/n) in a hug. "(F/N) I scream." she hugs me back " I haven't seen you in forever." She smiles and looks me over she then looks at my arm. She looks into my eyes and says "I get to tell the chili story." I smile and ask in a whisper " The real one or the nijia one." She looks at me and shouts "if anyone wants to know what happened to (Y/N)'s arm come quickly the story shall be told." Wasabi, Honey Lemon and other people from SFIT come in. She clears her throat and begins talking in a voice you use to tell a child a story at bedtime. " On the exact day of June 11, 2015 (y/n) and her family were attacked by a ruthless nijia. Bravely she fought it off putting herself in between her family and the nijia. They fought viciously until (y/n) slips and falls she is hanging over a huge burning pot of chili. The nijia was right over her about to push her in when she flipped him into the pot of chili. He was never seen agin. And (Y/n) came out with only second degree burns." She finishes smugly. I am about to laugh when everyone except Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Hiro, GoGo, Fred, and (F/n) start clapping . My jaw drops they believe that I really fought off a nijia.Wow these people are dumb and they go to SFIT!!!! Wow. I look at GoGo pleadingly she smirks and yells "Lets get this party started!!!!!" Everyone screams and runs to the pool jumping in. I go up to GoGo and say "Thank you you're a life saver." She smirks and runs into the pool jumping in with a flip. Hiro walks up to me and ask "what really happened ." I sigh and begin to tell one of the most embarrassing stories of my life. " I was getting a bowl of chili out of the microwave and my brother suddenly shouts POWER RANGERS RULE!!!!!! which makes me jump spilling it my hand." I look down. He laughs and looks down at me. He's like 5'7 people I'm only 5'5. Ok I'm only 15.(A/n my character is older than me I'm 12) He shakes his head and suddenly my heart starts pounding OMG he is so hot. He runs and backflips into the pool. (Y/n) he doesn't like you like that. I smile softly. "(Y/n) I have 2 things to say" (F/n) says walking up behind me. "1 You to would be the cutest couple ever." I shake my head." Yea like he would like me like that were just friends." She shrugs "Whatever and 2 my Chili story is soooo better than yours." We bust out laughing "ok at least mine is truthful." She smirks and says "mine got you a standing ovation. " We start cracking up agin.

Ok thanks agin I love you all 😘😘
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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