ana anorexia.

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ana anorexia,
beautiful and deadly.
tempts with visions of "beauty".
gnawing in your stomach.
she says to ignore it.
you have to be stronger.
it's all part of the diet.

ana anorexia,
perfect and pure.
she seems like an angel.
she's just there to help.
it's only a pound more.
it's only a bite less.
only one more.
one more.
one more!

ana anorexia,
at first when you meet her.
she's beautiful, and you want to look the same.
ana anorexia,
slowly you grow thinner.
she compliments you on your skinny frame.

ana anorexia,
she becomes your friend.
suddenly before you realize,
and before you blink, her diet rules your life.

ana anorexia,
you've gotten to look just like her.
you know, it can't be healthy.
but ana whispers in your ear,
says finally, you're starting to look pretty.

ana anorexia,
why'd you have to listen?
why didn't they tell you her whispers were just lies?
ana anorexia,
your body lies still.
you were gone before anyone realized.

a casket lowered in the ground .
a little body lies inside.
skin over skeleton.
your secret can no longer hide.


ana anorexia,
why'd you have to take my love?
she was perfect, just the way she was.

ana anorexia,
why'd you take my best friend?
what happened to together till the end?

ana anorexia,
where's my big sis?
she isn't someone I should have to miss.

ana anorexia,
that was my daughter, my whole world, my baby.
I'm empty and broken, and that's no maybe.

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