Shot.4 - Football

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What this one word bring to you mind "The Game". "A Team". "A round shape ball"Yeah these are the basic, logical and initial things that comes in one's mind but what to say about my husband the dearest. He is the one who see me in the football. CONFUSED. Initially even i was when is was told about it one day as casually as he switchs from his nautanki to romance with in a minute but when i heard what he was saying then for i minute or two i wasn't even able to react to his declaration.Firstly he already calls me 'Basket' and now he says that when he see a football he image me in that, like what the hell it is. Am i a human being or some kind of sport equipment of his that when ever he related me with something or other it has to be about sports."Football seriously armaan" to which he nodded with child like smile causing my frustation fly away.I wanted to see you like a football with our babies making that curve on you. He declared this ever so sweety that i kept admiring him while he was lost in his dreams about us and our babies. Football. Like seriously he sees pregnant me in football. My husband can me wierd at times. i know and i love him for that.

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