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Ben puts his crown on as Luke comes to stand beside him. Mal and Marley land in front of their windows before they are covered in purple and black smoke again. The sisters emerge in dresses similar to the ones in the windows.

Ben and Luke laugh as the sisters pat some smoking parts on their dresses. They smile and wave, before bowing to the brothers, who bow back. Mal and Marley are escorted down the stairs to where Evie is now waiting.

"Whoo! Sooo, I didn't know we could do that." Marley says with a smile.

"Yeah, tell me about it. That makes two of us." Mal tells her with a smile. Mal and Marley's dresses are still burning so Evie quickly blows them out.

"Shall we?" Evie asks with both of her hands out.

"We shall." Mal and Marley say as they grab Evie's hands as she leads them towards Ben and Luke. Once Mal and Marley are close enough, Ben and Luke pull them into their arms before kissing them.

"All right, all right, all right, all right." Carlos says with a smile as he slightly pulls Luke and Ben back, Luke wrapping an arm around Marley's waist.

"How about those twins of mine?" Beast asks Belle.

"Ours." She corrects.

"Ours."Beast agrees.

"How about their girlfriends?" Belle asks him, "I think we're in very good  hands here." 

"Very good hands." Beast agrees before kissing her hand.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben says before everyone agrees, "if there is anything that you need, or anything I can do for you..."

"Um, actually there is, Ben. I know a girl who would really love to come to Auradon," Evie says as she shares a smile with Marley, who has tears in her eyes, "It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to Marley and I."

"Then she should come." Ben says.

"Okay! Okay, great!" Evie says excitedly as Marley lets out an excited squeal, "Actually, um...Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us, who deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

"Yes, yes! Absolutely, please." Ben says and everyone cheers.

"M'lady Marley. M' lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck. Uma had it."  An usher says as he walks forward.

"Ooh." Mal says as he hands her the book. Mal looks at Marley who smiles and nods, "Um...You know this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother?"

"That's me, thank you." Fairy Godmother says as she walks forward.

"This belongs in the museum." Marley says as Mal hands the book to Fairy Godmother.

"It does, yes, and I'm gonna take it." Fairy Godmother says.

"Go for it." Mal tells her before Fairy Godmother walks away, "I'm not going to be needing it anymore." Ben smiles at Mal before the sisters kick water at the brothers with a giggle. Ben and Luke kick water back them before Luke rest his forehead on Marley's and Mal turns Ben's crown to the side.

"Looking back at yesterday

I thought I gave it everything

But there's so much road ahead of me." Ben sings as both couples look out at everyone.

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