Five Years of Grit

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"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard."
It was an old proverb.  Talent is defined as a natural aptitude.  Hard work, on the other hand, is simply putting in the effort to achieve a goal.  Talent is a very good starting point for people, as it enables them to get past the beginner's frustration, but ultimately it's discipline that keeps them going — which one was ultimately more valuable, no one could say.  But from her personal experience, Toph thought, the latter was more valuable.
Due to being blind, the world was nothing but sounds, vibrations and smells - as far as her active senses were concerned.  She had no idea what colour was supposed to be or why it mattered so much to other people.  She never would.  Toph's Quirk, specifically her Seismic Sense, gave her some form of sight via detecting vibrations in the ground, allowing her to perceive objects, people and other aspects of her environment.  Essentially it was a form of echolocation.  Was this ability a blessing from the Gods?  Or was it a curse from a devil that would come back to bite her in the end?
Toph chuckled to herself.  There were no Gods, nor were there any devils either.  All Toph could count on were her ever-present companions - earth, sound and her feet.  And bitter work.


The icy air moved through her hair, her fringe falling into it's natural state over her eyes.  Her hands took refuge in the pockets of her age-worn coat.  She was standing outside of the ginormous building of U.A. High School.  Despite having been told how big U.A. was, she still took a moment to admire the architecture.  Hopeful students walked past her, not paying attention to her.
'Holycowholycowholycowholycow...' was constantly skipping through Toph's head in a loop like a broken record player as she moved her legs, following the other teens past the big gate. She could feel a nervous knot forming in the bellows of her gut, sure, but her body was also charged with a version of excitement.
She was here.
At U.A.
Without anyone watching her every move like a hawk.
Extending her senses and Quirk about the area, she saw lots of unfamiliar people of different weights, sizes and shapes. She happened to notice a particularly jittery weight, about ten metres ahead. It appeared to be that of a boy, from what her Seismic Sense could make out.
And then she felt him trip over his own foot.
Toph was too surprised to immediately react. Surely that was bad luck or something... right? But then, something strange happened that made her stop dead in her tracks.
He disappeared. Completely. Toph was highly confused until she heard him yelp out in surprise. She then noticed the other weight standing next to where the boy previously was - female.
"Sorry I used my Quirk on you! But felt it would be bad luck if you fell." The girl said.
Ah, now it made sense. It was because of her Quirk. Toph had never witnessed someone trip over but never actually touch the ground. She just shrugged - figuring this was going to be something she would just have to expect at U.A. The boy reappeared in Toph's field of vision as his feet touched the ground, she noticed he was now substantially lighter than before. However, just like that, his weight returned as the girl placed her hands together.

Was his heart still beating?  She though so but, why wasn't he saying anything?
"Anyway, I guess I'll see you later!  Bye!" With that, she trotted away, towards the building ahead.
The boy stood as if frozen in place.  The sounds that came out of his mouth caused Toph's eyebrows to raise in alarm.
She kept walking.
Not even touching that.  Nu-uh.
She strode past the crazy boy, keeping an "eye" on him from behind herself.  Eventually, he shook himself off and half-ran in.  Toph continued until she entered the building and after being given a serial number - in braille, luckily, so she could read it - regarding the exam.  The exam should be a piece of cake, her only problem was how to get to the exam room.  She knew the room number but it was not clear which room it was as all the signs that she could sense had though numbers printed on them, which was impossible for her to read out.
She was stuck, how does she move forward?  She should ask for help but she was determined not to do so.  Unfortunately, it seemed she didn't have much of choice. 

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