All or Nothing

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"A Quirk Assessment Test?!" Everyone exclaimed. The entire class was standing in an outdoor training area. Toph sensed multiple sections, including running tracks, pitching spots, and other designated areas for physical fitness.
"But what about the orientation? We're gonna miss it!" One girl asked. Her name was... Uraraka?
"If you wanna make the big leagues, we don't have time for pointless ceremonies," their homeroom teacher responded with a sigh.  "Here at U.A. we aren't tethered by traditions.  That means I get to run my classes however I see fit."
Toph listened with mixed feelings.  Sure, she agreed that traditions were a joke, but surely he couldn't do whatever he wanted?  Right?
"You've been taking standardised test for most of your lives," Aizawa said, holding up a device, "but you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country's still trying to pretend were all equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational, one day the Ministry of Education will learn. Bakugo..." he addressed the boy Ida had been arguing with. "You finished with the highest Villain score in Entrance Exam, right?  What was you best result at the softball throw when you were in junior high?"
"67 metres, I think," Bakugo replied.
"Right, try doing using your quirk."
Aizawa tossed him a ball and directed him towards a pitching circle. Toph's eyebrows furrowed. She felt like she knew him somewhere, but where? She never forgot a voice.
"Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go on, you're wasting our time," Aizawa said before stepping back.
"All right, you asked for it."
As he stretched, Toph kept trying to remember how she knew him.  Come on, was it a certain word?
Oh!  The Entrance Exam!  That was it!
She didn't feel anything except the force of the explosion for a few seconds.  Then the ball hit the ground. About 700 metres away.
'You've gotta be kidding me.'
"Know your maximum limits first," Aizawa said, revealing Bakugo's score.  "It's the most rational way of gauging your potential as a Pro Hero."
Everyone was amazed.  Excitement soon began to ripple through the class.
"So, we can use our quirks as much as we want?" One guy said.
"That sounds fun!" Another girl said.

"So this looks fun, huh?" Aizawa shook his head.  "You have three years to become Heroes.  Do you think it's all gonna be games and playtime?"
The class went silent.
"Idiots," Aizawa said and Toph thought simultaneously.
"Today, you'll be competing in eight physical tests to gauge your potential.  Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately."
Even Toph was uneasy; her quirk was telling her that he wasn't messing around.  She didn't think he ever was.
"You can't send one of us home!" Uraraka exclaimed.
'Shut up, shut up, shut up now, shut up!'
"I mean, we just got here!  Even if it wasn't the first day, that's not fair!"
"Oh, and you think natural disasters are?  Or power hungry Villains?  Hm?  Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities?  No, this world is full of unfairness.  It's a Hero's job to combat that unfairness.  For the next three years, you're going to be pushed to the brink.  U.A. will be throwing one terrible hardship after another.  So Go Beyond.  Plus Ultra Style.  Show me it's no mistake you're here."
Toph felt the hairs raise on the back of her neck.  There was no mistaking it.  She couldn't see it, but she felt his hesitation when her glanced at her.
His glare.
It was a challenge.  Show me why you're here, or I'll drag you out myself.
Toph narrowed her eyes.  'So that's how it's gonna be.'
"We've wasted enough time talking." Aizawa said, making a 'come at me' motion at them. "Let the games begin."

The class made their way towards the running track with varying levels of apprehension.
"That was a lie. Right, Toph?" Momo asked. She was pretty sure, but having a human lie detector around never hurt. "He wouldn't expel anyone on the first day, right?"
"He definitely would."
"What?!" Momo looked back at Toph. She had a grim look on her face.
"Either he's an amazing liar, or someone's leaving today," She said, holding her head down. "I think he wants me out."
"That's ridiculous, Toph!" Momo exclaimed. "Like he said, last place is getting expelled. There's no way that will be you."
"I know. But I felt it, Momo!"
Momo frowned. Toph rarely called her by her actual name.
'She must really be worried,' Momo thought.
"You'll be fine. Just give everything your best effort, okay?"
Toph nodded. She almost didn't notice when they got to the track. She decided to expand her Seismic Sense's range to take her mind off things.
Her eyes widened.
'Who is that?' She wondered, shifting her foot. There was someone hiding behind the gym building; someone with a massive build. She was just about to bring this to Aizawa's attention, when she remembered that All Might was one of the faculty members now, so it must have been him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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