Chapter 8: The Beginning

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I stood in the middle of the field, a look of amazement on my face. I could feel the sweat forming on his forehead as a power flowed through me, a power that I couldn't even recognize. A power flowing through every fiber of my being. The ground all around my feet glowed with that same power, zigzagging lines appearing from my feet causing the grass itself to bow its head. I felt invincible.

This was a domineering power, one that I had never experienced before. Lieutenant Havoc, the stern-faced proctor, looked at me with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed. "Congratulations Axel Idris," he said, a hint of surprise in his voice.

I looked around, and saw the other students staring at me in awe, the Cadets and Titans all together. They had all been told that passing the test was nearly impossible, and yet here I was. Each of them had taken the test, each of them had held tightly to the blue crystal ball and yet none could create a reaction like this. But there was one person who wasn't impressed with my achievement.

Jazmin was glaring at me from the sidelines. I could feel her eyes on me, and I knew that I was in for a ruff day today.

As I made his way back to the rest of the students, I couldn't help but feel proud of himself. I was actually one of the chosen ones, someone destined for greatness, ["this is great."] I thought to myself, that's as until I saw Lieutenant Havoc who seemed to be giggling with a threatening atmosphere. ["Oh no."] I thought regretting my actions.

"Well Cadet." Lieutenant Havoc said stepping towards me. "I hope you are ready for the most painful years of your life."

I began to sweat as worry filled every corner of my body.

The city of Athos was under attack, the sky was dark with smoke as flames engulfed the buildings. The ground shook as if it were about to rip apart. Five lines of smalls were walking towards the steel cages, each line monitored by Supporters, men whose eyes glowed with power.

Janet and Daisy, stood above the crowd of smalls, their faces filled with boredom as they looked down at small city ruined by just their presence alone.

Hey you guys look what I've found." Victoria said as she walked towards her Titan companions who had both turned their attention towards her.

Victoria with a playful smile held up her right hand which held a small little woman in between her thumb and index finger. She held this little woman up towards her face and watched as the little ones body went limp. "Isn't she cute?"
Victoria asked as she looked down at the little women as if she where a pet.

"Who in the world is that?" Janet asked.
"She said her name was Jessica the 1st Lieutenant of Athos, or so she claimed as she attacked me." Victoria said with a cocky grin.

"She attacked you?" Daisy asked surprised.

"Oh yea, this little one was feisty, she had pretty good skills too, but in the end she fell with just a few flicks of my finger." Victoria said. "Didn't you little one?" Victoria puckered her lips and kissed the little one.

"Stop! That's my sister, you monsters!" Ryan yelled up at the titans, his voice quivering slightly.

Ryan stood before the towering titans, he knew he had to be brave. He had to think of a way to defeat them and rescue his sister. But as he looked up at their massive frames, he felt small and insignificant. Nevertheless, he mustered all the courage he could.

The titans turned to face him, their eyes narrowing. Ryan could feel their gaze bearing down on him, but he refused to back down. He loved his sister and would do anything to save her.

"What do you want, little boy?" Victoria asked looking Down at Ryan.

"I want my sister back! You can't just take her like this!" Ryan shouted, his fists clenched tightly.

The titans laughed at him, their voices booming and echoing throughout the surrounding mountains.

"Your sister belongs to us now, little one. There's nothing you can do about it," Janet sneered getting down on all fours, bringing her face closer to the little boy. "And you are too." Janet said as she extended her finger towards the little boy, grabbing his collar.

Janet brought the little boy up to her face. She looked down at Ryan's struggling face. "Hmm this one looks cute." Janet said licking her lips. "I think I'll take him for myself."

Daisy and Victoria looked at each other and smiled. "Their she goes again." Daisy said with her arms crossed.

Victoria chuckled as she stuck out her tongue and licked Jessica's body. "She could never pass up the cute ones could she?"

"Neither could you apparently."

On this day another hidden city of the smalls had been taken down, the residence captured and forced to live in regular society.
This was only the beginning.

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