Chapter 5: Supporters, Enforcer, Defender!

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I sat down at the dinning room table, looking like a prisoner that was about to undergo interrogation as both my mom and dad stood on either side of me.

I couldn't look at either my mom or my dad, because I already knew the looks I would see. It wouldn't be the looks of pity I was use too.

Instead I knew that I would see something all the more worse, eyes of concern, that to me was so much more worse. So all I did was stare down at the paper that rested on the table in front of me.

"Do you know what this is?" My mom asked sliding their piece of paper closer to me.

Of course I knew what it was, it was the paper that held my very fate in the inch that was written on its surface. I unwittingly looked into my mothers face, I couldn't tell her that, that would only make her worry more.

"Tryout papers." I said.

My mother breathed out a sigh that was filled with all her frustrations. "A tryout for what?" She asked, really trying not to pop the shit out of me.

"A tryout to be a supporter." I spoke with a lot more determination I thought I had.

My father with his arms crossed took a step forward. "Do you even understand what that means, do you understand what you will be required to do.

I nodded my head. "Yes dad, I know everything." How could I not, this was my life that I was willingly putting in danger after all.

The greatest Titan warriors, who have received the greatest and most intense training are called Defenders, but the question is, what are they really defending us against?

When it comes to maintaining law and order, that Job is for the Giants and Smalls, not for Titans, so why have defenders? We have them for the monsters that exist beyond the walls that protected the city of Unity. The Brinebeasts, massive creatures that are as big as any Titan.

These creators come in different shapes in sizes. Some are beasts with black fur, while others have scales and wings. Their is one trait these creatures have though, all of them have long and thick tentacles that can extend for miles, as well as a thick black aura that poisons the lab around them.

Those that defend the law inside of the walls of Unity are enforcers, while those that fight the monsters from the outside of the walls are called defenders. Only titans can be Defenders.

"Why!?" My mother shouted while flinging her arms up in the air. "Why would you want to go and fight those horrible creatures?" She asked. "Why can't you have a safe job here in the city."

I shook my head. "I want to be strong." I said. "I want to fill like I am actually making a deference, to find the truth of this world." I stood up from my seat. "Mom, dad I want to be a supporter."

Supporters, a class given to a limited amount of smalls. So limited in fact that their are more Defenders then their are supporters. What makes supporters so important, you might ask. Well for some reason unknown to society certain smalls are able to wield a very powerful energy called ember. With this energy Supporters are able to strengthen Titans, and even help defeat the Brinebeasts. Just like how only Titans can become Defenders, only smalls can become Supporters.

"This is what I want to do mom." I said without even a little bit of hesitation. "Please let me go and try out!" I yelled while bowing my head.

The whole dining room was quite. No one was talking or even making a sound, which was so uncomfortable especially sense I continued to bow my head to both of my parents.

"Sally." My dad said while putting his hand on my moms shoulder. "Maybe we should let Axel go and tryout."

Mom quickly turned her head and looked at my father as if she was about to slap him. "Donald!" She yelled.

"Sally this is the first time I have seen Axel want something so bad, the first time I've seen him look so determined, so full of hope." Dad smiles as he looked at me. Mom followed his gaze and looked right into my face.

"I don't want to take his dream, Sally do you?"
Mom stood speechless as she contemplated the words of my father.

"And you know as much as I that the chances of him actually becoming one are very low anyway." Dad said rubbing the shoulder of my mother who looked defeated. "You know that don't you." He asked.

"Yes I do." I smiled as I felt a new found energy surging inside of me.

I was so happy that I had managed to win over my parents. I just wanted to jump up and down but I knew that this was just the beginning. I walked towards my room and I couldn't help but ask myself, could I really be one of the chosen ones?


I stood in the middle of a huge grassy field that stretched out for miles, so far in fact that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't see the end, which made sense, after all this was a filled used by Titans.

Other than myself their where 9 other Smalls and we all stood next to each other in a single field line. I'm front of us was a single man who whore a short sleeve shirt and black cargo pants. The man's hair was well combed and his eyes where stern. In his right hand he held a clipboard filled with a bunch of papers.

"Welcome!" He shouted. "You all know why you are hear, so I'm not going to dilly dally." The man began to walk side to side of the line, inspecting all of us with his eyes. "You all want to know if you are capable of being supporters am I right?!"

"Yes sir." We all said quickly.

"I said am I right?!" The man yelled louder.

"YES SIR!!!" We repeated in a much louder tone than before.

"Well my name is Lieutenant Havoc of the Training Division and I will be the one to determine that answer."

The ground began to rumble without warning. I as well as the other trainees struggled to steady ourselves. The only one not bothered was Lieutenant Havoc.

"What the hell is happening?!" I heard someone yell.

"Look over their!" One of the trainees yelled as he pointed towards the far off distance.

We all followed where he was pointing and in so doing we all lost our breath. We saw them on the horizon. 10 Titans walking towards us, their very footsteps causing earthquakes.

"You all are the future supporters of the defenders." Lieutenant Havoc said with his hands on his hips. "So I figured that the Future Defenders should be here to watch."

I could barely breath as my eyes pierced through the crowd of titans walking towards us and fell on one in particular.

["Jazmin... Oh Shit."]

Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters.

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