Chapter 6: The Field!

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No one really knows how it happened, or even when it happened for that matter, but we do know that the change of the world happened with a flash of blinding light that encompassed the whole planet.

This light with its transformative effects changed mankind forever, creating the three separate groups that make up society. The Smalls, Giants, and Titans.

This light also created massive tentacle like beasts of darkness that corrupted the land with their miasma.

The Defenders are an elite Titan group that fight against these beasts, saving the lands from their destruction, and the ones that fight next to them are...


It didn't take long for Jazmin to spot me, after all their were only 9 other guys standing beside me in a straight line. I did my best to blend into the crowd, but like I said it really couldn't be called a crowd.

Lieutenant Havoc stood before all of us, holding the clipboard that determined all of our fates, holding close to his chest. "I thought it best that you all got to see the ones you would all be partnering up with!" Lieutenant Havoc said with a loud overbearing voice.

All the Titans hearing the lieutenants voice looked at each other in surprise, and began to whisper amongst themselves, but because of their huge girth their whispers weren't exactly whispers to all of us.

"QUITE!" The lieutenant yelled and with that single command no one dared to make a noise.

The Titans as well as is the small stood up straight, making sure not to slouch even a little bit.

["This guy is hard core."] I thought to myself, trying my best to keep my cool, but even that seemed impossible, for this man had a fire in his eyes that made all of us fear him, even the titans themselves looked down at him as if he where the boogie man himself.

Lieutenants was the one rank below the rank of Captain which was the highest rank that anyone could normally have. Their 10 captains and 10 corresponding lieutenants.

I had heard that the lieutenants where all abnormal to a certain extent. Heck their where rumors that they weren't even human. I never believed such things, but seeing this guy right now, well I'm a believer.

Lieutenant Havoc never took his eyes off of us. This remained the same as he rose his right hand and with a snap of his fingers pointed towards the far off distance, filled with miles and miles of grass land.

Me as well as the rest of the nine trainee stood confused. I mean was this guy expecting us to do something? None of us could tell, and yet we soon got our answer as the ground began to shake, causing all of us to fall. The Titans began to move towards the right side of the field, and after moving a few feet away all of them began to take a seat on the grass, all huddled together, all look directly at all of us, some with smirks on their faces, others with doubt.

["They don't think much of us."] I thought to myself, growing a little irritated.

Lieutenant Havoc turned away from all of us and walked towards the Titans that where sitting down. Deep down I hoped that he was going to punish them for sitting down without permission, but I'm afraid that my hopes where dashed as the lieutenant once again turned to face us , this time sticking out his left hand, pointing it towards all of us.

Suddenly without warning a bright flash of blue light appeared right in front of us, making everyone close their eyes. In a few second the blinding flash disappeared, giving comfort back to our eyes.

It floated in the air without problem, without any hindrance from gravity, a small crystal ball that gave off a otherworldly feeling.

"Tell me!" Lieutenant Havoc shouted. "Why are supporters so special!?"

For only a moment no one dared to make a noise, but this silence didn't last long.

"Supporters are unique individuals that have what is referred to as the Ember spark deep inside of them." One of the candidates said a few rows down form me.

"Correct! And why is having the spark important for any supporter?" The Lieutenant continued.

"The spark..." I said growing a little shy, for all eyes where on me, even the Titans. "The ember spark is the key to unlocking a Supporters greatest and most powerful weapon."

"Which is?" Lieutenant Havoc asked spreading his arms wide.

"The field." I said.

"The field..." the Lieutenant repeated in a whisper, going quite. He closed his eyes and took a long deep breath.

My heart began to speed up, my palms grew sweaty, and both of my legs seemed to become like rubber. Was this the moment, was I actually going to see a Field?"

Lieutenant Havocs body that was once as normal as anyone else's, began to be surrounded by a blue light, a blue light that took the form of a misty fog. His eyes glowed with a blueish light as he looked at us. The grassy ground around him had also drastically changed. Instead of looking normal like it once did, what surrounded the Lieutenant was almost like a glowing grid that zigzagged all over the ground. Every blade of grass, every rock, leaf was covered in it.

"This is a Field." He said with a voice that was almost echoey as he took a few steps forward.

My eyes remained focused on the ground. I payed close attention to the Field that covered it. I felt as if my very being was being overtaken, as if strong shackles where around my neck and wrists. It made me want to run and hide, but I already knew that my body would not move.

"And this..." The Lieutenant pointed towards the Crystal ball. "Is made of Liber Crystal."

The Field around Lieutenant Havoc began to fade away, and the glowing misty fog began to dissipate.

"And it is this that will test who has the ember spark deep inside of them." Lieutenant Havoc smirked. "So who's first?"
Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters.

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