Chapter 7: The Hidden City!

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In this world of giants, titans and the monsters that they fight, their exist a third race of people. They are the smalls. The tiniest race, and the one with the most potential.

For century's they have lived together with their much bigger brethren, forming a society that has become as much a part of them as the blood that courses through their veins. It is a society founded on the basis of compromise and strength, and yet even in this era their are those who choose to walk their own paths away from those who are considered normal.

The sky was lightening as the sun fought to shine through the overcast sky. Birds chirped and whistled cheerfully in the trees, their song a contrast to the growls and roars of the night. The breeze was cool, and the smell of the honeysuckle and the lilacs was sweet. The air was filled with the scents of spring flowers, and yet there was a hint of fall in the air, a reminder that summer was not far away.

This was the land of towering trees and misty fog, of rolling meadows and crystal clear lakes. It was this land of bountiful greenery that housed the country Athos, a country created only for the smalls.

"Sister don't you think that you should take a day off. You've been working so hard lately," Ryan said to his older sister Jessica as she made her way out the front door of their house.

"My work is important you know that." Jessica said as turned to face her little brother, strains of brown hair draped over her face as she turned.

"Look Ryan, I know that you think that I should take a day off, but I can't. I am the 1st Lieutenant of the honor guard, you know how important that is don't you?" Jessica asked as she put her right hand on top of Ryan's head, patting his shirt black hair.

Ryan shook his head. "You stand beside the captain, leading the charge to protect the walls of the city."

Jessica nodded her head. "Its also my job to train the new recruits. It is my job to make sure that everyone is prepared for battle. " her smile grew wider as she looked down at Ryan, his eyes were big as saucers as he stared up at her. "I swear their is no greater honor, defending this city, as well as protecting you."

"I know, I know. " Ryan said with a roll of his eyes and a smile, yet his heart was in the right place. He loved his sister, and would do anything for her. Even if that meant giving up his very life.

"Just be careful ok?"

"Don't worry." Jessica said opening the door. "You know nothing bad really happens around here." Jessica smiled as she began to walk out of her house, but soon her smile faded as a she felt the ground beneath her feet vibrate.


Jessica stood confused as small vibrations soon turned into a small tremor, then into a larger tremor that seemed to shake the whole city until the world seemed to be spinning. Her skin tingled, and goosebumps broke out across her arms and chest. She clenched her fists, her nails puncturing her palms and her hips jerking as the tremors grew in strength.

"What's happening?" Ryan yelled out as he and his sister struggled to remain standing.

Jessica looked at her 10 year old little brother, she knew what was happening, she couldn't believe that it was actually happening, but that didn't change that it was actually happening.

Jessica grabbed her brothers shoulders, focusing his attention on her. "Ryan!" She shouted.

"What's going on? What is that sound? It sounds like the walls are coming down!" Ryan yelled with a maddening fear.

"Ryan!" She yelled again shutting her little brother up. "It's going to be ok." She promised. "Stay here, stay safe!" She shouted as she ran out of her house, slamming the door behind her.

["The city is under attack!] she thought to herself as she ran past the broken streets and panicking people, towards the burning smoke rising in the distance.

Outside the borders of the city Athos they stood, three massive titans each holding a speck sized man on their valley like shoulders.

Titans Victoria, Daisy, Janiet, together with their partners, Keith, Dane, Mark. Six individuals that would bring an end to a city that had stood for years.

"Finally after looking for it for years, we have finally found the hidden city located deep within this accursed forest." Victoria said taking a small step closer.

"Wait Victoria, look down?" Daisy said pointing towards the very edge of the city, where a small piece of the city wall was destroyed, it's micro sized rubble falling onto the city below, creating smoke that rose above the seems of their shoes.

"Remember that this is a city of smalls." Keith said to his Titan Companion.

"Yea even your footsteps could destroy it if you guys aren't careful." Dane said, sitting on Daisy's shoulder.

"See this is what I don't get." Victoria said crossing her arms with arrogance.

"What do you mean?" Keith asked looking at the mountainous face of his partner.

"I mean, you know that I love you smalls and all but their is no way that anyone can survive in this world by themselves." Victoria said.

"I agree, we all need each other, in order to survive." Keith said nodding his head.

"Well in the end it doesn't matter what we think." Janiet responded bending down to get a closer look at the city. "All that matters is that we collect all of these little insects. Especially the men."

"Yea, yea we know, let's get this out of the way." Daisy said pushing back and reorganizing her short brown hair.

"Let's take them all."

The wind seemed to whistle with a loving tune as an azure blue colored the ground. Blue zigzagging lines spread all through the dirt and grass, lines that echoed with a domineering power, that spread all around like a hurricane.

One person, stood in the middle of this hurricane of might and strength. Gazed upon by all.

"Congratulations you pass." Lieutenant Havoc said with a smirk.

"Axel Idris."
Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters.

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