.: 11/4/23 :.

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I finally finished my project! almost. I have a couple more things i need to to, but i can stop breaking my back over it now... Today I had some thoughts as i was working on it, though.

I think i might be, at my core, two different things. One of those things is fairylike, the other is canine, but they seem to be separate... I need to start meditating for real, but even now when I try, it's nearly impossible to see or feel my body as the fairylike one that's been the most forward the past couple days. I can always effortlessly feel  a canine body if i focus, so i think that's the main thing i am. Whether it's a wolf or not is still up for debate... It's hard to tell when  a lot of them are so similar. I suspect i might be some kind of magically-inclined coyote. I'm still not even sure if they're two different things... I need to start doing magic again, and maybe then i can try getting rid of the curse again.

I think i need to start keeping a journal for my experiences again. I actually have a 6-ring binder i do all my stuff in, which i can use once i get more paper to keep a journal of my mythical experiences!

especially because i hate how hard it is to use wattpad tbh... if this wasn't the only place i knew to find other mythicals, i would never put up with this stupid interface XP i swear, they make it so you can't use a touch screen on the desktop/web browser version to force people to use the app. I've never had this problem on other sites, but on both my phone and my touchscreen laptop, i need to use my mouse to update stories...

yeah i use a mouse with my phone sometimes bc i'm cool like that

anyway maybe i'll start working on spells and subs again. I need to update my subliminals and try some new methods bc my subs don't seem to be working anymore... i hope i'm not getting burned out even tho i haven;t been doing, like, anything mythicality-related lately.

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