Chapter 5: Flying Through the Forest

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 "Looks like you two lucked out today. You're the only ones signed up for this time," the zipline guide spoke as Ivy and B filled out their waivers.

"B, this doesn't look too safe. Look. They're even making us fill out a waiver for when we die." Ivy's pen hesitated on the paper until she saw that she couldn't sign for herself. "Oh look! Guess I can't do this. I'm only seventeen. Too bad." Hopeful she had successfully dodged the death trap, Ivy rushed to the door. She was about to leave the building when she heard the guide begin to chuckle.

"Actually he can sign for you if he's eighteen. Are you eighteen, kid?" The guide looked to B.

"I sure am" B beamed. So there's no chance of you getting out of this Ivy. So suck it up, Buttercup." He nudged her in the side, giving her his typical smartass smile. As he finished signing Ivy's waiver he did a large flourish with his pen. Ivy glanced over at the sheet, curious as to how B signed his name.

I wonder what "B" is short for. He couldn't have signed it just "B". He must have put his real name down.

As Ivy's eyes roamed over to the sheet, B noticed and immediately handed the papers to the guide. All Ivy saw was a quick, indecipherable, black scribble. When she looked up B was smirking at her. He could tell it annoyed Ivy.

"Now that you are all signed up we can start hooking you guys up. First of all, let's get to know each other since we are going to be stuck with each other for some time. My name is Fred. And yours?" He motioned toward Ivy.

"Ivy." Fred grinned in acknowledgment and then nodded his head towards B.


"Just B eh? Well, if you say so kid." Fred stepped out from behind the check-in desk and made his way towards a group of three benches configured into the shape of a "U." Laying on the ground in front of each bench lay a collection of straps. "I'm gonna have you two come over here to where these harnesses are spread out on the floor. What you're gonna do is stick your feet through the two little loops of the harness, and then pull the large loop up around your waist. But don't do anything else. It's important that I do everything, to make sure you two are perfectly safe."

Following Fred's direction, Ivy placed one foot in the little loop and began pulling the harness up, completely forgetting about the other foot. As she raised the harness, her remaining foot caught on the loose strands, and she fell to the floor, her arms flailing in the air.

"You might want to make sure you put both feet in, Ivy." B chuckled.

"Shut up!" Ivy barked. Fred walked over to Ivy and helped her up off the ground. He guided her other foot to the small loop and helped her lift the harness.

"There we go. All set." He smiled at her, kindly, unlike B's condescending smirks. Ivy couldn't help but notice the way Fred's eyes crinkled when he smiled. She couldn't help returning his grin. Once Ivy was all adjusted she noticed that B was already wearing his helmet and gloves.

"How'd you do that so fast?" Ivy asked.

"It helps not to fall. You should try it sometime." B said with fake sincerity.

"Okay, folks. Let's stop bickering and finish getting you two ready. Ivy, here's your helmet and gloves." Fred placed the helmet on her head and handed her the small gloves. "If the helmet is too big, roll the yellow wheels on the sides of the helmet back." It quickly became clear to Ivy when Fred was reciting his usual spiel since his voice instantly would take on a robotic monotony.

Ivy buckled her helmet together and could feel it begin to wobble atop her head. She brought her hands to the sides of her helmet, searching for the yellow wheels, but had no luck.

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