Chapter 25: A Glimpse of Riches

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"Are you sure the dress isn't going to be too much? I don't want to stand out."

"Oh, Ivy, honey, just relax. It's going to look beautiful on you. Besides, there's no turning back now, 'cause we're here." A grin spread across Alice's face as she took in the sight before her. Nonchalantly, Ivy redirected her gaze and audibly gasped in awe. "It's beautiful." Beyond the bridge, their car was currently crossing, lay a winding driveway lined on the sides with vibrant wildflowers. As the yard, if such a mundane word could be used to describe this landscape, spread further out, she could see a crystal-clear pond playing the role of obstacle in the several games of golf that occurred on the hole that surrounded it. Looking further up the driveway, lay the venue of tonight's wedding. The gleaming white building sparkled under the summer sunlight and only added to the radiance of the red-topped roofs. As the car pulled up to the grand hotel it entered the Porte-cochere, which kindly shaded the car from the sun's rays.

Ivy was stirred from her trance when a man in a freshly pressed black vest and white button-down uniform opened her car door. With his arm across his waist, he bowed to Ivy as he waited for her to exit the vehicle. Like starting an old car in the morning after a cold night, it took a couple tries for her to react. It was when she realized how foolish she must look, that Ivy fast-forwarded through collecting her things and getting out of the car. "Thank you," she said with a childlike nervousness. Like a well-oiled machine, he looked up and grinned widely at her as he reiterated his regular greeting of, "Welcome to the Mount Washington Hotel, please enjoy your stay."

Distracted by what just occurred, Ivy didn't notice the cobblestone beneath and tripped. With the grace of Icarus's descent, she flew her hands forward to catch herself, only to feel someone grab her arms from behind. "I think you're drooling."

With the heat of embarrassment radiating from her cheeks, Ivy turned to see B smirking at her. In his eyes, she could see amusement, but just barely visible, she could make out a speck of judgment and concern. Ivy's brow furrowed as she considered this. Apparently, she was taking too long to respond. "I'm not going to try and lie and say this place isn't beautiful, but if you keep gawking at everything, I might go crazy." B looked down as he said this, which told Ivy there was a lot more truth than comedy in his comment.

Instantly, Ivy felt that little monster of guilt crawl its way into her heart. How can you make him feel bad after everything he's done for you? You're being so overdramatic. This is literally why we can't have nice things because you ruin everything.

She fought back this monster as she mentally screamed "SHUT UP!"

It briefly paused before fading into the depths of Ivy's subconscious, but she knew it was only temporary. Briefly, in control of her emotional mindset, Ivy shook her head and locked eyes with B. "How about this? I get 10 more chances to gawk tonight.

B's eyes grew into saucers. "What? No way!"


"Still way too many."

"What if you count the two from earlier? I'll only have three left."

B hesitated as he mulled over the offer. Slowly he raised his outstretched hand towards Ivy.


Ivy grinned and took his hand in hers, "Deal."


"Are you serious right now? At this rate, you're gonna run out before we even get to the wedding" B exclaimed as Ivy gasped for the third time as she entered the hotel's grand lobby. "You're going to owe me big time if you run out, Ma'am." Although he still sounded irritated, he wore a crooked grin that looked like it should be accompanied by a corny elbow nudge and eyebrow waggle. Luckily, B chose to avoid the corny route, or else Ivy may have audibly snorted and lost one of her two remaining gasps from B out of spite.

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