Camping (Jean x OC)

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The Scouts were exhausted. Armin was nodding off in front of the crackling campfire. Mikasa's head rested in Eren's lap. Karma was slumped over her knees. Sasha's weenie twirled lazily over the flames. Jean and Connie seemed to be the only ones with energy left in their systems.

"Alright, I know what'll wake you guys up," Connie said, exchanging a mischievous smirk with Jean.

"Anything but truth or dare," Levi said. He settled on the open log space beside Karma. She perked up at her captain's arrival, straightening her spine like a snap bracelet. "I'm not touching another horse's asshole."

"Fine, fine." Connie swatted a hand. "How 'bout a good old fashioned ghost story?"

Jean lit like a struck match. He glanced at Karma beside him, knowing how easily frightened she was. Already, sweat glimmered on her temple. "I've got one."

"Fine," Levi said. "Five minutes then you soldiers need to get to sleep."

"I only need two." Jean cleared his throat. All eyes lazed toward him. "Deep in the foggy woods, on a night like tonight, the Trost Strangler emerges, hunting for his next victim."

Karma folded her arms, determined not to be spooked by Jean's ridiculous stories. Mischief twinkled in his eye as he continued.

"It's said he seeks only the most beautiful young women to add to his collection...."

Karma tightened her arms across her chest.

"He finds his target gathered around a campfire. Petite, fair skin and hair, eyes like honey..."

A ghostly finger grazed her nape. She whirled her head but found only Levi, face stoney with boredom.

"The Trost Strangler watches her from afar. He creeps closer, fingers twitching to enclose her slender neck."

Karma's breathing quickened, her fingers couldn't hold still as they scrunched the fabric of her Scout jacket. Her eyes scanned the bored faces, illuminated by flickering light. No one else seemed bothered.

"Closer and closer he creeps. Until—"

Karma shrieked. The Trost Strangler clamped her neck from behind. She clamored to free herself from his grasp, seeking out the warmth beside her. Once she found safety, she clung to it with desperate fingers, her eyes hot with tears.

Connie's cackle erupted where the Trost Strangler had been. "Karma, the look on your face is priceless!" Jean, who had orchestrated the whole stunt, did not look as pleased as Connie.

Karma grounded herself. In her desperation, she had latched onto Levi. "Sorry, Captain." She slinked back to her seat, face burning hot.

"That's enough." Levi stood to stomp out the fire. "Bed. All of you."

"Yes, Captain."

Jean and Connie were crammed in a tent with Armin and Eren. The four of them discussed the events of the night.

"Yo," Connie slapped Jean's shoulder. "I didn't actually strangle her. Why are you so pissy?"

"Because she wasn't supposed to fawn all over Levi, it was supposed to be me."

"Levi was probably just closer," Armin said, yawning and nuzzling into his sleeping bag.

"No offense, horseface, but I'd cuddle up to Levi over you any day," Eren said.

"It didn't even seem like Levi enjoyed it." Connie squeezed Jean's shoulder.

"I'm sure she did though." Jean slumped into his palms with a pouted lip.

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