Checkmate (Levi x OC)

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"That's checkmate."

"No fair, I could keep going."

"No, Hange. Look closer."

Hange adjusted her glasses and squinted at the mini black and white sculptures. Her eyes darted through all of the possible moves. Once she realized Levi's inevitable victory, she folded her arms and slumped back into the chair. Despite her losing streak, there was a gleam in her eye.

"What?" Levi said, noting that cheeky wrinkle curving her lip. It was the same unsettling smile she wore when on the brink of a Titan discovery. He stopped resetting the pieces.

"I just think you could use a new chess buddy."

"Why? Tired of losing?"

"No, but I think you're tired of winning. Let's bring in a new challenger. Spice things up for you."

"You have someone in mind, don't you?" Levi watched Hange over the brim of his tea. "Based on that smirk, I'm betting it's someone I can't stand."

"Quite the opposite, Levi. It's someone you like." She put an emphasis on the word "like'' that made Levi immediately go tense. He knew exactly who Hange was referring to.

"Absolutely not."

"C'mon. You are totally into her. This is the perfect chance to get to know her better with the pretense of some friendly competition. There'd be no pressure."

"That's easy for you to say. You've never loved a human the way you love Titans."

Hange's mouth widened into a gaping smile. "You love her?" Her eyes were practically sparkling.

"Shut it, four-eyes. We're not having this conversation."

"Captain, your ears are burning red."

"Damn tea's too hot."

"We've been playing chess for well-over an hour. I know that tea's gone cold."

"Fine. I like her. Are you happy?"

"Ecstatic." Hange scooted from the chess board. "I'll be just a moment."

"Where do you think you're going? Don't bother her during training. Or mealtime. Just leave Karma be."

"Sorry, can't hear you—too busy playing matchmaker," Hange said, already out of the office.

Levi groaned and rubbed his forehead as if he could scrub away the dread. The idea of seeing Karma in an intimate setting like this made his stomach ache like it was churning rose thorns. And how was he supposed to play? Going easy on her would make him look foolish, but he didn't want to demolish her either. Her strategy and combat scores were nothing impressive. It's not like she stood a real chance at beating him.

He couldn't explain what it was that drew him to her. That gave him an inexplicable fluster and swelled his tongue to a marshmallow. That electrified his heart and dampened his palms. Was it those large eyes the color of summer honey? The loose strands of sunflower hair that would tickle her cheeks? Were those cheeks always sunkissed or did he make her nervous too?

The moment she entered, his gut would tighten and his defenses would flare. He was always so cold to her, a means of keeping her at arms length. He hated when people got too close. But somehow, she'd snuck past those barriers and into his patchwork heart.

Dammit. He couldn't go through with this.

Levi's chair screeched across the oak floor. He was determined to stop Hange's mad matchmaking plan, but when he flung open the door, a fairy-framed girl with a sunflower braid was standing there. Her hand was paused in midair, a moment away from knocking.

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