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Hello everyone! This is the first time I've ever written something so pls don't come at me 🙃 If there are any spelling mistakes, please tell me, and I'll fix it!
• Notes :
F/F = Favorite Food
F/D = Favorite Drink


Y/N woke up at around 06:00. It was a beautiful morning; The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the breeze was cool. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, and brush her teeth. When she was done, she decided that she was gonna take a walk and go to a cafe that opened just recently for breakfast, since you haven't done that in a while, because of school and work that has kept her busy for days, to the point she's been surviving on instant noodles for the past couple of days.

She got her coat and grabbed the necessary items; her phone, her apartment key & her purse. She left her room & locked the door to her room. She went out and instantly saw the familiar surrounding. The white-painted walls, the marbled flooring, the gorgeous plants, and the fluorescent lights. The hallways smelled of vanilla from the scented candles. Y/N walked up to the elevator and pressed the 1F button. She got in the elevator. Since she lived on the 15th floor of the apartment building, there was a long way to go. She decided to check her phone for any notifications, and went on Twitter (X) to see any news.

When the elevator arrived to the 1st floor, Y/N walked out. However, because Y/N had been looking at her phone, she accidentally bumped into someone! "Ah- I'm so sorry!" Y/N said in panic. "Oh, it's okay. Just be more careful next time!" said the young man.

He had brown hair, that was fading into a pastel blue. He had hexagonal shaped glasses, that fit his face just right. He was wearing a black button-up turtleneck, with a white coat on top of it. He was wearing white long, white pants & wore some black boots which had heels. He also wore some fishnet gloves, a brown belt and a little bag on his waist.

"Are you okay?" the young man spoke. "Oh-, Yes I'm fine! Are you?" Y/N asked. "I'm fine." the young man answered. "Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" Y/N asked as she was curious. "Oh, my name is Ike Eveland, you can just call me Ike. What's your name?" the young man apparently named Ike Eveland spoke. "My name is Y/N L/N! You can call me Y/N, Nice to meet you, Ike!" says Y/N. "Nice to meet you too. As much as I'd like to keep this conversation going, I unfortunately have somewhere to go, maybe we can talk again later? See you, Y/N!" Ike says before waving goodbye to Y/N. "See you too, Ike!" Y/N said.

Y/N went back to what she was doing, which was going to the cafe to have some breakfast. Time really flies by when you're having fun, huh? Cause it was already 06:30 when she checked the time again. Y/N decided to look around & take a good look at the surroundings. "Wow, this place is so beautiful. Shame I've never really had the time to go out and look at all this earlier... Man, I hate school work." Y/N whispered to herself.

She looked around for a while, until she saw the cafe she was going to. She went inside, and surprisingly, a few of her friends in college were there! They greeted her when she entered the cafe.

"Wait, is that Y/N?" spoke a girl who had medium length, pink hair. She was wearing a cute outfit which seemed to be based on roses. "Oh, I think it is." spoke another girl who had long, blue hair covering one of her eyes. "HEY BITCH! OVER HERE!" two girls; one with long, blond pigtails & purple eyes, and another with short, blonde hair with turquoise eyes shouted in unison. Y/N flinched when she heard her best friends shout. "Enna, Millie? Oh! Rosemi & Elira as well? What a surprise to see you guys here." Y/N spoke. "Yeaah... Rosemi & Elira dragged us here for some reason. Like, why can't they just invite someone else?" Enna said.

Y/N approached them and sat down with them, and a waitress came to their table to get their order. "Hello! I'm your waitress, Hana. What can I get you 5 today?" spoke the waitress named Hana (not Hana Macchia fyi). "Uhm, so we'll get 1 chicken fried rice, 1 plate of chicken tenders, 1 shokupan with a side of vanilla ice cream, 1 plate of biscuits, F/F, 1 sweet iced tea, 2 cups of chrysanthemum tea, and 1 F/D." Elira listed down. "Okay, let me repeat the order, so, 1 chicken fried rice, 1 plate of chicken tenders, 1 shokupan with a side of vanilla ice cream, 1 plate of biscuits, F/F, 1 sweet iced tea, 2 cups of chrysanthemum tea, and 1 F/D, correct?" the waitress said. "Yes." Elira answered. "That will be... $17,77. Is there anything else?" the waitress spoke. "Nope, that's it." Elira answered. "Okay, the food will be here shortly! You can pay at the counter over there after you're done." The waitress said and quickly went to the kitchen to tell the chef on what to make.
(Edit : I wrote spoke twice on the line that had "spoke the waitress named Hana")

"Girl, where have you been? We've been so fucking worried about you! We've only seen you during lectures, and nowhere else!" Enna spoke to Y/N. "Yeah! Like, what the fuck have you been doing recently? What's so important that you don't even get the time to talk to us?" Millie added. "I've been trying to finish all the homework that stacked up, and it's hard too so like, y'know, I haven't had the time to spend time with my friends..." Y/N spoke. "Girl. You spend waay too much time studying. it's not healthy to do all this without even talking to your friends!" Elira said. "Yeah but like... I don't wanna fail my classes!" Y/N spoke. "Y'know you can always ask us for help?" Rosemi said. "Would you really be helpful though?" Y/N asked. "Good point." Elira spoke. "W-Well we'll still try to help!" Millie said. "Heh, whatever you say." Y/N said and chuckled. "You're lucky we're at a public space right now, I'd curse you out if we were in private, I swear." Enna whispered. "Okay, okay. Sheesh." said Y/N.

The food arrived. "Here's your food, enjoy! When you're done, just pay at the counter!" Hana, the waitress said. "Thank you!" the girls said in unison.

Millie's mouth watered. "Waah, that looks so good!" She said. Millie started to eat her food like a normal person would, Enna took a good look at it before eating it, Rosemi also ate her chicken tenders like a normal person would, while Elira & Y/N took picture of their food then ate it.

After they finished eating, they all talked for a while. From how their days have been going, to what's been happening recently. They talked about some rumors and gossip, and other stuff. They heard that 5 students were joining their university, they're all male. "Maybe you can get a chance with one of them, Millie." Enna joked.

When they were done, they split the bill and went home. It was a weekend, so Y/N had all the time in the world to do anything she wanted when she got to her apartment.

She walked back to the apartment building and was met with the familiar surrounding again. She missed going out with her friends when she wasn't as busy with school work as she is now. But alas, she entered this hellhole called college where she has to join lectures and learn things that might not actually be useful in life. For example, finding out if it's actually a triangle by using a difficult formula. Like, why? If you have eyes, you can clearly see that triangles have 3 sides, thus you are able to call it a triangle. But noo, you need to find out if it's a triangle by using nonsense.

Y/N rode the elevator once again. But before she reached it, she was greeted by someone, again.


Words : 1430 including notes

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