「 12 」

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Woah another chapter, nice


Ike goes up to the elevator while carrying Y/N. Ike then pushes the button for the elevator to go the the floor they're at, then waits for the elevator to arrive.

When the elevator arrived, Ike went inside with Y/N, then pushes the 1F button to go to the lobby. However, on the way to the first floor, the elevator stops at 8F and the elevator doors open.

There were 2 boys : One with (very) blonde hair, and another with brown hair and pink & purple strikes along with his yellow ahoge. "Ike?!" both boys almost shout in unison. "Luca..? Shu..?" Ike's eyes widen. "Uh-" Ike just flashed an awkward smile.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Luca asks. "Tell you guys what?-" Ike asks, confused, then realizes what they meant. "That you're dating someo- her, I guess." Luca says, and gets his elbow bumped by Shu. "Don't assume..!" Shu whispered

Both Ike & Y/N blushed. "I-It's not like that..!" Y/N blushed harder. 'Fuck! Why did I stutter?!'  Y/N cursed at herself. "Wait- Let me explain. She sprained her ankle, so I had to go pick her up to go to her apartment. Then, we're leaving cause we still need to check Y/N's injury, but we couldn't do it immediately after she got home because the doctor's office that was closest was too busy and couldn't treat any more patients since they didn't have enough doctors." (This didn't happen earlier in the story but just pretend it did ok) Ike explained to Luca & Shu about what had happened earlier. Y/N just nodded in agreement.

"Ohh I see." Shu said, side-eyeing Luca to agree with him. "Haha- Uh, yeah! Sorry for... Assuming what was happening! Yeah..." Luca looked like he was at gunpoint. "Sorry, he's all 'talk first, think later'. Don't mind him. Sorry for taking up your time!" Shu also apologizes, even though he hasn't done anything wrong.

"It's okay. I should be asking why you're here, but we gotta go. See you!" Ike hurriedly bids them goodbye & runs off with Y/N, and shortly after that, he makes it outside of the building in time.

He rummaged through his backpack before grabbing his car keys from his bag, & pressing the button that unlocks his car.

"Do you want to sit in the front seat or lay down at the back seat?" Ike gives her 2 choices. She thinks about it before picking the back seat as it's definitely way more comfortable. Ike nods before opening the car door and seating Y/N. "I can't really put you down, so you'll have to adjust yourself. Is that okay?" Ike explains, and Y/N nodded. She went back a few centimeters before laying down. "Is that comfortable?" Ike asks, making sure that there isn't anything wrong. Y/N nods.

Ike closes the door and goes to the door of the driver seat where he opens the door and gets inside. He closes the door and starts the engine. "Do you wanna turn on the AC?" Ike offers. "Sure." Y/N answers.

Ike turns on the AC to level 1 so it wouldn't be too cold but not too hot. "This okay?" Ike asks, making sure that Y/N won't be too cold at the back. "Yeah." Y/N answers again. Ike gets out his phone, turns on his GPS & placed it down where he can see it. He then looks for a hospital or doctor's office that's nearby & available. When he did, Ike changed his car mode to Drive.

He then exits the parking lot, and starts driving to the nearest doctor's office. It was around 1 kilometer away from their exact location. Y/N felt her eyes getting heavier & lost her battle, drifting off to sleep...

"Hey, Y/N. Wake up, we're at the doctor's office." Y/N heard a voice say, and she slowly starts opening her eyes. She looks behind her and sees Ike. "Can I...-" Ike gets cut off by Y/N saying "You don't even have to ask at this point. If you don't, how would I get there then? ...Sorry if that sounds rude by the way.", and Ike answering "It's okay. You have a point though." right after.

Ike carefully picks Y/N up from his car, and closes the door. He then takes his keys and locked the door. He puts away his keys in his backpack and starts making his way to the office's entrance.

Ike starts explaining why he went to the doctor's office and what he needs a check up for. The nurse at the desk nods, and gives him a number that will be called when the doctor is ready to check up on Y/N.

Ike brings her to the chairs and placed her down on the seat gently so she won't get hurt next to where he was gonna sit, and sat down right after. They both waited patiently for the doctor to be ready.
(Edit : You -> She)

While they were waiting, Y/N brought out her phone and decided to check social media whilst Ike decided to listen to music. She didn't really see much news, so she decided to look at random videos she found from scrolling through Twitter (X). It's been around 30 minutes, when their number got called. Both Ike & Y/N immediately put down their phones and put the in their backpacks.

Ike carries Y/N to the room that Y/N will be checked up at. The doctor was a kind woman named Dr. Hillary who immediately got to work, asking Y/N what happened, how did it happen, and how she feels right now. Y/N answered all of the questions.

Then, Dr. Hillary said they needed to do an X-ray to see if the sprain was bad or not. Ike unfortunately had to leave because it wouldn't be safe for him. Dr. Hillary then did the necessary preparations like using a lead apron to prevent any harm. Although it's not necessary to use one cause the X-ray machines there are pretty modern, she believes in 'better safe than sorry'.

When Dr. Hillary & Y/N are ready, Dr. Hillary quickly goes behind a protective window and takes the X-ray. When she finished, she got the result.


Although this chapter doesn't have as many words as others, at least it still has over 1000.


Words : 1080 including notes

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