「 10 」

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[November 26th 2023] I unfortunately won't be available for the whole week so I won't be able to come up with a chapter because of finals. So sorry! (I might post this after or in the middle of finals week since I haven't finished it (the chapter) yet) - Author (Mizuki / Rie)
[November 28th 2023] Got the time to post it



Y/N sat there, waiting for Ike to come back with the water. In the meantime, she kept putting the icepack to her ankle. She suddenly though about the run for PE, but Ms. Shizuku will probably let her run another time since her ankle is sprained.

She was still crying a little earlier, so she decided to blow her nose. Thankfully, Ike put a box of tissues near the bed. Y/N picked one up and blew her nose gently. When she finished blowing her nose, she realized the trashcan was a little far, so she just kept the tissue in her hand and waited for Ike so she can ask him if he could throw away her tissue for her. She felt bad, given the fact that she had to trouble Ike.

She was thinking of a way to thank Ike after this, but she was snapped out of her thoughts when Ike came back with the water bottle, saying "Hey, I'm back!". (Something that your father never said.)

"Here's the water bottle and pain relievers. You should take them." Ike told Y/N, before going to another rack to take some bandages. "I've never bandaged someone up before, so I'm sorry if I mess up a little. You could try to find someone else to bandage it up for you correctly." Ike says before Iunwrapping the bandage and slowly wrapping the bandage on Y/N's ankle. "We have a 2nd year, Vezalius Bandage, who often helps out in the nurse's office. I think he might be able to help me." Y/N told Ike. "Oh, the 2nd year who hangs out with his friend group named Krisis? I've talked to him before." Ike asked "You've met Zali?" Y/N asks, waiting for Ike to finish bandaging up her ankle. "Yep." Ike answered, before making sure that the bandage on Y/N's ankle won't come off. "Thank you, Ike." Y/N thanks Ike before asking another question. "If you don't mind, can you throw away this tissue for me..?" Y/N asks politely. "Sure." Ike takes the tissue, walks up to the trashcan and tosses the tissue in. "I've got to get to class soon, do you want to go home or stay here until you get picked up by someone?" Ike asks before he leaves the nurse's office. "I'll wait for school to be over." Y/N answers. "Alright. Need anything else before I go?" Ike asks, making sure that Y/N doesn't need anything else. "Could you get my backpack? If you can't, it's okay though. You don't have to do it." Y/N says. She feels bad making Ike do everything for her. "Sure! I actually brought your backpack on the way back to the benches and gave it to Millie so she can keep it safe, so it shouldn't be too far. Be right back, okay?" Ike says before walking out the office to find Millie. Thankfully, Millie was right outside, at the water fountains, exhausted. She was carrying Y/N's backpack on her back.

"Hey Millie." Ike approached Millie who was desperately trying to get some whatever "Huh?!" Millie looked behind her. "Oh, it's you. You wanna take Y/N's bag?" Millie tried her best to get Y/N's heavy backpack off her hands. "Yeah." Ike answered. Millie immediately took off the backpack as fast as possible and gave it to Ike. "Thanks." Ike thanked, before walking back to the nurse's office. Millie wanted to be nosy, so she decided to listen to Ike and Y/N's conversation inside the nurse's office.

"Here's your backpack, Y/N. Do you need anything else?" Ike asked again. "Nope, it's okay. Thank you!" Y/N said. "It's no problem at all. Call or text someone if you need help, okay? See you!" Ike said before opening the door to the hallways. Millie quickly tried to hide, but Ike already found her before she could even move. "I saw you outside of our door, by the way." Ike told Millie. "Oops."

Millie entered the nurse's office. "Hey, did you sprain your ankle?" Millie asked, wondering why she suddenly fell and had to be carried by Ike to the nurse's office. "If it's not obvious enough with he bandage on my ankle, yes I did." Y/N just rolled her eyes. "Damn why so rude about it? I was just asking a question... But yeah, you're kinda right, I did notice the bandage on your ankle. Hehe." Millie said. Y/N just sighed. "We're about to go home, you should head back to class for closing." Y/N said looking at the time, 15:27 (3:27PM). "Okay, fiine. See ya!" Millie says before going back to the class.

Closing is basically just the teachers who taught the class going into the classroom and the students saying their thank yous to the teachers for teaching them. Then, the class representative tells everyone to rise and they all say their goodbyes to the teachers, and then eachother. The teachers will decide who goes out first. Then, the students line up and wait for the teacher to confirm that they can leave and go to the first floor.

She texted Petra to see if she can drop off Y/N at her house. However, Petra had extracurriculars and after school activities. She also had some work she didn't finish yet which was due today, and the teachers said that she had to finish them at school and give them to the teachers, so she has to go home late to finish the assignment. She couldn't get Rosemi, Millie, Enna or Elira, as Millie & Enna live together, Rosemi has assignments as she's part of the students council, while Elira will be busy and won't go home until around 17:00 (5PM) because of extracurriculars.

"Gosh. What should I do now? Millie & Enna are roommates and they both walk to their apartment, Elira is also busy with extracurriculars. Rosemi is part of the student council, so she definitely won't be home anytime soon. Besides, she lives so far away from my apartment building. I feel bad for Ike because he's done so much for me today. Besides, how's he gonna bring me to my apartment anyway? He's definitely gonna walk." Y/N sighed after that. Y/N checked to see if she could walk, so she put her feet to the ground and tried to stand. And damn it hurt. "Ouch. Yeah, I think we know the answer to that." Y/N went back to sit on the bed. "What should I do...?" Y/N started thinking about how she should go home when neither Millie, Enna, Rosemi, Elira or Petra can pick her up or drop her off home.

"Oi! 混蛋 (Hùndàn)! You there?" Enna called out when she entered the nurse's office. "Damn... You didn't need to call me that-!" Y/N faked wiping tears. "Ike told me you sprained your ankle. How are you gonna go home?" Enna asks. "I don't know. Maybe if you're kind enough to drop me off at my apartment building." Y/N scoffed. "Oh hell no! You weigh more than a bigfoot. That's a joke. Also, how are you gonna go up the elevator anyway?" Enna asked. "Bitch I don't know." Y/N answered "Get Ike or something. Y'all live in the same building, right?" Enna suggested. "Why the hell do you know that?" Y/N asked, a little concerned. "Uhh... Bye gotta go!" Enna walks out the door awkwardly. "How do I get home?!" Y/N shouts to Enna, but it was too late.

"Hey, what happened? Oh, you're still here?" Ike asks. "Yeah... Millie and Enna are going home together, Elira has extracurriculars, Rosemi has a meeting to attend to and assignments to do at the student council's office, and Petra is busy doing extracurriculars and her unfinished assignments. I'm not sure how to get home safely..." Y/N explained. "I could bring you home? We- Well, I, can walk there. I guess you could use a wheelchair or something." Ike offered. "Uh sure. But why do you need to come with me when there's a wheelchair?" Y/N asks. "...Have you ever used a wheelchair?" Ike asks. "Nope." Y/N answers. "How're you gonna move?" Ike asks another question. "Oh." Y/N chuckled awkwardly, while Ike just sighed.

"...There's a problem." Ike said when he re-entered the nurse's office. "There's no wheelchairs. They only have one but they're using it..." Ike added. "How am I supposed to get home then?" Y/N looked a little disappointed.

"I could carry you, but if you allow me to, of course."


Words : 1513 including notes

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