「 11 」

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It took me so long to finish the chapter cause I was slacking off but we're back with another chapter so enjoy


"Ah... Sure?" Y/N blushed. "...Are you fine with me carrying you bridal style..? Again, it's the only way I know to carry someone." Ike wanted to make sure than he isn't making Y/N uncomfortable. "I'd rather get home by being carried than stay in a nurse's office for a whole day..." Y/N said. "Okay, can you sit on the bed?" Ike requests. Y/N blushed a little bit nodded and sat on the bed, with her knees bent so Ike can carry her by holding her behind her knees and back. Ike successfully picked Y/N up. "Okay, is this comfortable? Does anything hurt?" Ike asks. Y/N shook her head. "Let's go then." Ike tells Y/N, then opens the door to the nurse's office and closes it after leaving.

When Ike went to the hallway, all eyes were on Ike carrying Y/N bridal style, especially Millie and Enna & the Luxiem boys. "Wah! No wayy, Y/N is getting carried by Ike? She got a man?! Me and who?" Millie fake cried. "Shut the fuck up bitch, unless you want that slipper to your head and have me taking care of you, you're going to shut your mouth" Enna nudged Millie's elbow. "Ow- Okay..." Millie pouted.

"Wait wha-" "Pog?" "Ohh~ Ikey Wikey has a bitch?" "Eyy- ..." Said Vox, Luca, Mysta, and Shu in order. Mysta got his forehead flicked by Shu. "Ow... damn I was kidding-!" Mysta whisper-shouted to Shu. He just received another flick on the forehead.

Ike just ignored them, while walking to the entrance of the university. He then walked out of the university, going to the sidewalk and turning a right, heading West. He then took a few turns, making his way to the apartment building. He could see the apartment building, which was right around the corner. He just needed to turn left, and he could reach the apartment building. When he turned left, he turned right where the apartment building was located and entered the apartments through the entrance.

"Do you have your keys?" Ike looked at Y/N. "Uhh, yeah. Hold on, lemme get it." Y/N said before grabbing her backpack and opening the zipper, looking for the pocket where she placed her room keys. When she found the pocket she placed the keys in, she rummaged through the other things she put in that same pocket until she found her apartment keys. "Here." Y/N gave the keys to Ike.

Ike opens the door, entering the room before closing the door and locking it. "Should I take your shoes off?" Ike asks. "Yeah." Y/N says. Ike nods and takes off Y/N's shoes, carefully so he doesn't hurt Y/N's sprained ankle. He also takes off his shoes. (Yes, he's able to hold you and use one hand to take off your shoes at the same time in this story)

"Where should I put you down?" Ike asks while looking around. "Just bring me to my couch, over there. The gray couch." Y/N pointed to her couch. Ike just nodded before walking up to the couch Y/N pointed at, and putting Y/N down. "Thank you Ike..! I wouldn't have been able to get home without you." Y/N could thank Ike a million times and she would think it wouldn't be enough. "It's okay. That's what friends are for, after all." Ike says. For some reason, Y/N felt a little bit saddened when he said 'friends', but she just brushed it off.

"I should probably get going now, ...unless you want me to stay." Ike whispered a bit at the end, but Y/N still heard it. "I mean, if you don't have anything to do later, you could stay and we could chat for a while." Y/N doesn't mind Ike staying at her place for a bit. "...You don't have to if you're busy, of course." Y/N then adds. "Sure, if you want me to. I'll just text Luxiem that I'll be here." Ike says to Y/N before asking Y/N : "Could I sit here?" Ike points to a chair near her couch. "Sure." Y/N allows Ike to sit down.

When Ike sat down, there was a knock at the door. Both Y/N and Ike heard it. "Who's that?" Ike asks Y/N, confused. "I don't know... Could you get the door? Since I uh... Can't really stand up, let alone walk?" Y/N requests, and Ike obliges. he walks up to the door and unlocks it, only to be greeted by Millie & Enna.

"Hey bitch! Wait- Ike's here? What are you doing?" Enna asks, her eyes wide. "Is he taking care of you, Y/N~?" Millie teased Y/N. "Can we come in?" Enna asks after some awkward silence when Millie teased Y/N. "Okay!" Y/N shouts from inside her room, ignoring Millie's question about Ike taking care of her from earlier.

Millie & Enna entered Y/N's apartment. "Damn, your apartment is so nice!" Millie compliments Y/N's apartment room. "Thanks, I decorated it myself." Y/N thanks Millie, while Enna us just looking around. "I didn't know you were good at decorating. Can you decorate me and Millie's places too?" Enna asks jokingly. "No." Y/N answered, before looking away from Enna's direction, to look at Millie. "Damn, why so cold?" Enna frowns, before laughing.

"Can we sit here?" Millie asks, pointing to another small couch that could fit both Millie & Enna. "As long as you don't break it, it's fine." Y/N jokes. "Ouch! So rude. Anyways let's sit down hehe" Millie sits down on the couch, and so does Enna. "Your place looks so comfy..! I'd die to have a room like this." Millie takes a good look around the living room once again.

"So... What were we gonna talk about, Ike, Millie, Enna?" Y/N asks. "Also, why are you guys here?" Y/N looks at the couch where Enna & Millie are sitting at. "Uh, cause we wanted to check on our bestie. But it seems like she already has someone taking care of her~" Millie teases Y/N again. Y/N just glared at Millie. "Okay, okay I'll stop..." Millie instantly shut up.

"So... You guys have any plans for next week?" Y/N asks, looking at all of them. "I'll just be hanging out with Luxiem." Ike answers. "Enna, me and the rest of Ethyria are gonna go to the park to hang out." Millie also answered her question, with Enna nodding. "What're you gonna do?" Enna asks back. "Probably just gonna stay at home and play games or finish some school work if I have any." Y/N says, while thinking if she had any plans that she couldn't come to because of her sprained ankle.

"By the way, you should go to the doctor later to check if your sprain is bad or if it's just a minor injury. We don't know if it's bad or not." Ike tells Y/N, and Y/N nods. "We should probably go there now just in case it becomes worse." Ike adds. "How am I gonna get there?" Y/N asks. "I'll have to carry you again. Or, these two could help and carry you to the hospital and bring you to the car while I drive." Ike points to Millie & Enna. "Uhh, can we refuse?" Millie & Enna said together. "Whatever." Ike just rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Is it okay if I carry you?" Ike asks, making sure he isn't making Y/N uncomfortable. Y/N nods. "You bitches better not mess with my room or you're gonna get your asses beat when my ankle heals." Y/N threatens Millie & Enna. Ike just sighed and went up to Y/N to pick her up. "Let's go." Ike picks Y/N up and carries her to the exit of her room. "Lock the door." Ike reminds Millie and Enna before leaving the room and going up to the elevator.


Words : 1368 including notes

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