Chapter 15: The Surprise Outing

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The next day, I entered the class only to find that Purvi and Keerthi had planned a surprise outing for everyone.

When we reached the venue, it was an amusement park. And after some rides I understood why Abhi always ended up beside me. Our next ride was a scenic boat ride on a nearby lake. I was so happy. I have always wanted to ride a boat at a quiet place, with my love beside me, while the sun can be seen going into hiding.

As the boat reached, I heard Keerthi whispering, "this is your chance, tell him!" and with that me and Abhi were paired together in one boat. What the fuck! This was your plan all along and here I thought you guys were being generous. Thank god, Abhi doesn't know what they are trying to do, otherwise it would be hella embarrassing.

While Pallavi and Neel were in one boat, Purvi and Keerthi were in another boat. I couldn't find Aadya. As we glided through the calm waters, I couldn't help but look at Pallavi, who was sitting next to Neel, very calmly the whole time.

During a break, the suggestion of playing a game of truth or dare emerged. Deep down, I knew what they were trying to do, so I immediately protested, saying, "No!" However, my resistance was eventually overridden, and the game began.

Purvi, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, turned to me and asked, "So, Sanaya, truth or dare?"

Knowing that my only way out of potential trouble was to choose 'dare' I quickly replied, "Dare!"

As they exchanged knowing looks, Purvi declared, "Well, in that case, buy all of us ice cream!"

"Right now? From the shop near the park's main gate?" I questioned, slightly taken aback.

"What's the big deal? It's not that far," Purvi persisted. "Buy eight ice creams in total."

Confused and feeling trapped, I nodded. But Keerthi asked Abhi to 'help me.'

After buying ice creams when we were coming back, Abhi, sensing the underlying intentions, asked, "What is all this about?"

I played dumb, responding, "What do you mean?"

"I can sense that they're trying to push us into something," Abhi explained. "What's really going on?"

Reluctantly, I admitted, "Um, I.. may have... mentioned that I like you."

"Oh, so this is about that," Abhi chuckled. "I should have known."

Defensively, I retorted, "Well, I don't like you or anything like that."

Unexpectedly, Abhi shocked me by saying, "I know. You like Pallavi."

Surprised, I stammered, "Yes—I mean, what? How do you know?"

Abhi revealed, "She told me. She tells me everything. She's like a sister to me, Sanaya."

Confused and overwhelmed by this revelation, I struggled to process the information. "We were raised like siblings. She even tied a rakhi on my wrist. And, besides, I'm already seeing someone, so don't worry. Oh my god, wow."

Abhi, emphasising his protective stance, warned, "Just know this: if you break her heart, I'll make you pay."

With those words, he went ahead to distribute the ice cream and joined the rest of the group. I couldn't believe that I had just been threatened by Abhi. Wait, Pallavi told him about my confession? What? Oh my god, he actually approves of us. I couldn't believe it. Okay, so this is the reason she has been all calm.

After time, the group gathered around a crackling bonfire, creating a cosy ambiance. Purvi and Keerthi initiated a deep conversation about relationships and love, which piqued everyone's curiosity. I glanced at Pallavi, who maintained a poker face, and then my eyes met Abhi's, who was struggling to suppress his laughter. It amused me to see the efforts they were making for my sake, even though I knew their endeavours were in vain.

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