Chapter 1

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"How come you are up already?" I turned to face Alice.

Alice is my first roommate and has been the one since I stepped foot in the U.S. We met in the dorm of Pennsylvania Western University. We were both new to the city of Edinboro. Having no one to guide, we both became support system to each other. Those four years bonded us in such a way that we couldn't stay away from each other.

During my last semester, I got a job offer from Cloud9 Publishing House to work as a junior editor in San Francisco, and Alice applied at Adelina Hospital and got accepted. So, here we are, in the city of San Francisco, after three years of graduation.

"Your hair is wet and you are dressed up. Which festival is it today?" Alice asked me.

I chuckled and replied, "Ghatasthapana."

"The first day of Dashain. Happy Ghatasthapana to you then." Alice said. Almost seven years with me and she knows the significance of almost every Hindu festival.

"Thank you and Happy Ghatasthapana to you too." I wished her back.

"Sit down. The breakfast is almost ready." I told her. "By the way, when did you return?"

"At around 1." She replied while taking out the butter from the freeze. "So, did you find out who the new owner is?"

"Not yet." I shook my head with a sigh.

We received the news about the sale of the firm to another guy approximately a week ago. We still have no idea who it is. I'm concerned about who will become the new owner. The setting of a firm is determined by the employer, and I don't want to work in an atmosphere that is hostile. Our prior employer, fortunately, was an angel in disguise.

"Don't worry. I have a feeling whoever it is will be someone good." Alice patted my shoulder and I nodded at her. "Hope so."

"Now, take a seat and I will serve." She dragged me to the chair and pushed me down. I observed her face. She looks extra happy today which is unusual since she does not really appreciate the evening shift and is always grumpy the next morning.

"Spill." I tell her as soon as she sets the plate on the table.

"What?" I can see her trying to hide her blush.

"What happened in the hospital?" I asked her.

"What makes you think something happened?" She counterquestioned making me glare at her.


"Okay, okay." She raised her hands. "Dr. Knight asked me out on a date. We are meeting at 10."

I immediately hugged her. She has been crushing on the resident doctor since she shared a duty with him almost a year ago.

"That's such a great news." I told her.

"I know, right. I am so happy." She told me with a huge grin.

"Me too, Ally." I mirror the smile similar to hers.

I hope Dr. Knight does not break her heart. She already had a disastrous break up that almost pushed her to depression. Her bastard ex-boyfriend cheated on her and was not even ashamed of it. She had really liked him but that piece of waste was just doing time pass with her. My poor Ally was so broken at that time and I was so furious. Though, I took revenge for her. I literally hit his car with egg, poured ketchup and punctured it. But Ally does not know that.

I moved to change my dress as soon as I finish my breakfast.

"Ally, I am leaving." I called out to her.

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