He's Back

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*Diego's pov.*
I moved from California to North Carolina five years ago. Leaving California meant I had to leave all my friends like Isabella and Palveen. They were my best actually I was sad when I had to leave them. I remember the promise we all had made.
*Five Years Ago*
I had said " We have keep in touch will you promise me that? " Isabella said "I promise" Palveen said "We will call you and text you."
*Current time*
It was my last day there that we made that promise. We where all eleven when we made it. We kept that promise for about a few months. I would call and text but they wouldn't answer. So I just stopped. Today was the day I'm coming back California. I wonder how Isabella and Palveen will react? I was thinking about all of this when I was going on the plane.

*Isabella's pov.*
I was over at Palveen's house when I heard the news."Some kids at school said that Diego is coming back" I said.
Palveen said "I feel bad for not talking to him all this years" "I know me too" I replied. "We should have talked to Diego more, do you think it will be weird seeing him again?" She said "Yeah considering we didn't talk to him for years."

*Palveen's pov.*
"Yeah considering we didn't talk to him for years" I said. I really thought it would be weird if we just met up after five years of not talking. I just really hope we could all be friends again. Then I just remembered the promise we made. "Hey Isabella" I said as she looked up from her phone. "Remember that promise we made five years ago that we would call Diego and text him" she said "Yeah now I feel really bad." I decided to text him.

D: Diego P: Palveen

P: Hey I heard your coming back to cali
D: Yeah I am
P: Do you want to hang out once you get here?
D: Yeah sure that would be great
P: Okay call me once you get here bye
D: Okay bye
End convo.

*Diego's pov.*
I was kinda excited to come back to California because I could see them. At first I wasn't to sure but I'm still kinda mad at them for not texting me. But I didn't text them either I thought so really I didn't even make an effort. So I guess it was both of our faults. I should be so mad at them I thought when my phone buzzed. It was Isabella.
I: Hey sorry for not talking to u for so long.
D: It's okay
I: Palveen and I will make it up to u once you get here. We're gonna hang out with you the whole day.
D: Okay that sounds fun bye
I: Bye were also picking you up
D:Ok thanks

I landed and I seen the girls waiting for me. Palveen was following my parents to the new house. I unpack and they helped me. From there we went to some restaurant to eat and catch up. At first I thought it would be awkward but it was actually fun.

*Palveen's pov.*
We helped him unpack his things and we went to a restaurant.I thought I would be awkward since we haven't talked to him for so long. But actually it was like old times when we were eleven. I had fun that day I dropped them off at there houses. I got home and I had checked my laptop I went on it for a while. I then turned it off and went to bed

Hey guys hope you liked it if u would vote that would be great. Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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