Book Highlight: Twisted Destiny

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Author: Coco_da_cat

1. What would be alternative titles for you book looking in as a reader?

I know it's corny, but the first name that popped into my head when I started the book was "Not an Average Princess," Now looking back, I do kind of wish I chose that name or something else because "Twisted Destiny" is very generic, and multiple other books also have the name. I also regret taking the suggestion from a friend who doesn't write, it would have probably been better to come up with my own name.

2. What chapter is your favorite in terms of the most fun to write and the most important to the book

I'm conflicted between chapters 2, 8, 12, or the upcoming chapter 17. These were all a blast to write as pretty major events happened in all of them, and new ideas just kept flowing in, and it came naturally. As for most plot important, this would have to go to chapter 8 as major points are revealed helping clear up some questions, and let the rest of the story flow.

3. What do you think is a plotline/writing method which sets your book apart?

I honestly think the plotline sets my story apart. Fantasy isn't the most popular topic on Wattpad, and I credit myself with having original ideas. All of these came from my head, I wasn't inspired by one book in particular or one author, and the events and characters are almost completely unique to my story.

4. What do you think readers tend to overlook that you wish more attention was given to, with regards to your book and otherwise.

I think readers immediately overlook my book because of my cover and title. I said the title sucks, and so does the cover. I've submitted in multiple competitions for covers, but I'm waiting for the results before just going and requesting one myself. But, I know they are weak, which could turn away readers. Also, the first few chapters aren't the greatest. I feel like my writing style greatest improved, but the first couple of chapters don't have the best writing style for the time being. 

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?

As for a deeper message, I would go toward something like "Always trust in the people you are close to, Don't make horrible decision," But quite honestly, I just want them to have a good experience reading my story.

6. Characters that you most resonate with

Gabriel. I mean, everyone who reads my story seems to hate him calling him stuff like a-hole among other words, but that's pretty funny to me. I mean, I already had this guys entire backstory written, I know much more about his as the author, and quite honestly, he's just a broken character underneath the strong front. I can totally feel for him.

7. If your book is ongoing or if you are planning for a sequel, how much does the reader input affect your plot direction regarding characters

One turn, I asked my readers who their favorite character was, and they all said it was a minor character that I was planning to sweep away after her first couple of appearances. After that though, I made sure to introduce her again, when it was most definitely not planned for, because I knew people enjoyed her character. But, if my readers really like a character, of course I want to add them into the story more.

8. Do you think your book works better as a binge read or a chapter wise read or all the same

It would work as both, but I understand my chapters are really lengthy. I mean, I have had a few binge readers before, but I'd you don't have the time, chapter wise is still taking a lot of time. It can honestly go with both.

9. Other than your current book, if you were to branch out, what genre would be the first in mind?

Murder mystery

10. How would you pitch your story to a new reader

I would give them the big problem, but not what's causing it, and steps the protagonists have to take to solve this. Introduce some details and plot points, but leave suspense to hook them in.

Thanks for the interview experience :) 

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