Book Highlight: Sangre De Toro

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Author : hrb264

1. What would be alternative titles for you book looking in as a reader?

I'm really not sure. Maybe 'Bull's Blood' as that's what the title means in English :D

2. What chapter is your favorite in terms of the most fun to write and the most important to the book

I liked writing most of the chapters (except the horrible parts) but my favourite chapters to write were probably Chapter 21, Chapter 35, Chapter 38 and Chapter 46. I don't want to give spoilers, but I liked writing Chapter 21 because it came after some distressing scenes/revelations and showed some bad guys getting their comeuppance in an amusing way. It also showed Pepelito and his friends working together to protect each other and themselves. 

 I liked writing Chapter 35 because it showed a bad guy getting what he deserved in a way appropriate to the way he behaved in the book. I have often felt that people like this guy deserve something similar. He was punished without any glory to himself or the person who did it. 

 I liked writing Chapter 38 because it showed the development of the main character and how he started to lose his fear of the villains and interpret the situation very differently than before. Rather than being powerless, he started to feel strong and that was very uplifting. 

 I liked writing Chapter 46 because it was the final fight scene and it ended excitingly and very decisively. The book and especially the last few chapters were building up to it. To me, I felt this was the only outcome the book could possibly have, and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it.

3. What do you think is a plotline/writing method which sets your book apart?

My book was written as a protest against bullfighting. This is unique because while there are books on this topic by writers such as Ernest Hemingway etc, many end up glamourising it a great deal and depicting it as brave. Also, most stories about an animal are written for children but this was a serial killer story and very dark. I wrote much of the book from the bull's POV and ultimately he was the hero. I don't think there are many books like that, if so I've not read them :D

4. What do you think readers tend to overlook that you wish more attention was given to, with regards to your book and otherwise.

Honestly I find it's the other way round sometimes, a reader will pick up on something that I completely forgot I had written about haha. I'd say I can't really think of anything, I've had some comments about how the book should be 'more of a mystery' but it was never intended as that :D

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?

The central message of the book is that bullfighting is barbaric and should be banned, and that animals deserve respect and should not be mistreated under any circumstances. Besides this, the book has a few other messages for example, about the corruption that occurs among the rich and powerful. In terms of a personal message for themselves, a major theme of the book is the theme of friendship and loyalty. Another message is the theme of not being coerced or forced into doing things. The bad guys try to terrorise the bulls into behaving aggressively towards everyone they come across but that was never what they were supposed to be doing, and by the end of the book they are happy and comfortable with themselves.

6. Characters that you most resonate with

I'd say probably Pepelito and Rita. 

 I don't know if I got it right but I tried to portray Pepelito's character in a way that was sweet and innocent, but he would defend himself if he was really hurt. He was also very loyal towards those he loved and it didn't take a lot to make him happy. Although he was very sociable, he also spent a lot of time thinking. At times, he felt more used to a bad environment than a good one - the experiences and abuse he had suffered alienated him from others, including those that were trying to help him, and I could relate to this as well. 

 I related to Rita's character because she was very stubborn and always tried to point out wrongdoing even when it led to difficult situations in her family and work. Her personal life was a bit of a mess but at least she always had integrity. Looking after Pepelito cost her a lot and she sacrificed a lot to look after him. Animals were the thing that meant the most to her, more than humans, which I completely relate to. 

I can think of other situations in my life where I've done the same. Rita was also very focused on things and could be very blunt, she wasn't the most diplomatic in the world and wasn't always rewarded for how hard she worked. I related to this as well.

7. If your book is ongoing or if you are planning for a sequel, how much does the reader input affect your plot direction regarding characters

Honestly it used to affect the direction a lot more but in the past, readers and friends reading have pretty much tried to write the book for me and I ended up writing something that wasn't right or that I had to change at a certain point. So now I actually prefer to try not to show people before I publish something. When I'm editing the book that is a different story and I would like their help in that case.

8. Do you think your book works better as a binge read or a chapter wise read or all the same

I really don't know. :D

9. Other than your current book, if you were to branch out, what genre would be the first in mind?

Sci fi or horror I think. You can be really inventive with these. With sci fi, you can make up anything as long as it makes scientific sense, or can convince the reader that it does :D

10. How would you pitch your story to a new reader

One hot day, a bull called Pepelito escapes from a bullfight. Taken in by a detective, Rita Silvera, and then a farmer, he soon begins to recover and heal from the mental and physical torture he suffered. But Pepelito's nightmare is not over. Javier Castella is the best matador in Spain – maybe the world. He would kill for a chance to finish his masterpiece. And when the bodies start adding up, it becomes clear a serial killer is on the loose...

Thanks for the insightful interview experience :)  Congrats on the 10K reads recently :) 

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