Chapter 527 - 528

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Chapter 527 The base commander is so handsome [first update]

Song Zhengmao said hurriedly: "Basic Commander, I've eaten. I'll wait for you outside." The place where Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu are sitting is not far from the door of the cafeteria. He will not disturb Commander Zhen and Governor Shen Xing by standing at the door. Dining can also ensure that if Zhen Shuai calls him for something, he will not miss it.

The most important thing about the person who stays by his side is that he can't be without a look. Zhen Shuai temporarily put a "available" label on him.

People passing by heard Song Zhengmao's address to Zhen Shuai and thought they had heard wrongly, so they walked over without stopping.

The cafeteria is a little crowded.

Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu left immediately after eating.

Song Zhengmao followed quietly, secretly observing the habits of Marshmallow and Ling'er, so that he could take care of Zhen Shuai if he needed them.

Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu didn't have many things on their faces, so they pretended to go back to the hotel and picked up two bags before settling down in the office.

Shen Xingdu went to the inner room to rest while Zhen Shuai entered working mode.

"Assistant Song, two things. First, I want to know how many soldiers, mutants, and ordinary people there are in the base, and what jobs they used to do. Second, I want to write a notice and ask you to find someone at the base. Post it in various conspicuous places. If the radio can be used, it is best to broadcast it several times on the radio. Be sure to let everyone in the base know the content of the notice."

"Yes, base director." Song Zhengmao stood upright. He looked up and said seriously, "I have information about the first thing. I'm going to get it now."

Zhen Shuai nodded. Seeing that there was manuscript paper on the table, he picked up one and laid it out, and took out a stick from his pocket. With a fountain pen, he wrote fluently and quickly wrote several lines of beautiful square characters.

Song Zhengmao came back very quickly, put the information on the table, took the notice handed over by Zhen Shuai, and after reading the content, his heart beat wildly. This new base director is really the first thing that makes a new official take office!

"Basic Director, if there is nothing else, I will arrange for someone to do it now."

Zhen Shuai waved his hand, picked up the information he brought and looked through it...

Wu Shangjun and the others did not have to go on a mission today, so they gathered in Wu Shangjun's dormitory after dinner. Inside, they were discussing about Zhen Shuai. Luo Nian and Xiao Jin have already learned from Wu Shangjun that Zhen Shuai is now the new base director of the base, and they also know that he will definitely make big moves after becoming the base director. Everyone knows that they are close to Zhen Shuai and will definitely be reused, and they are looking forward to this, even if it means danger. Because it is better to live vigorously than to die in frustration.

"Captain, since you have nothing to do, why don't you go out for a walk?" Xiao Jiang suggested.

Wu Shangjun stood up and said, "Okay, let's go."

The group of people walked to the door of the military dormitory area and saw many people crowded there, so they quickly quickened their pace.


All survivors, please note that in three days, the base will officially implement the "all citizens are soldiers" policy. All survivors over ten years old and under sixty-five years old, regardless of gender, must participate in training.  Training location, airport flight area, training time: 16 to 30 years old, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.; 16 years old and below, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 30 to 50 years old, 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Four o'clock, fifty and over, four to six o'clock.  A test will be conducted ten days later, and all survivors will be graded according to their abilities. The stronger their ability, the higher their treatment.  I hope the survivors will be aware of this.

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