Chapter 549 - 550

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Chapter 549 A time traveler [first update]

Summer is unpleasant for many people. High temperature, dust, sunlight, mosquitoes...all are irritating. It's better in cities, but in the countryside, there's one more thing to add - flies. Whether it's the aroma of food or the sweetness of fruits, they are all fatally tempted.

Zhu Minghan watched coldly as a few flies lingered on the seemingly clean dining table, flying up and down for a while, his brows furrowed tightly, and his eyes full of disgust.

This is a square table with a perfectly sized white floor tile of one meter on a side. So the table looks very clean, but in reality it is very dirty just by looking at how many flies it attracts. Because less than twenty minutes ago, Grandpa Zhu cut a watermelon on it. After eating the watermelon, he just wiped it casually with a dark rag a few times. It looked clean, but in fact, the sweet taste remained, thus attracting these flies.

"Hahaha, it's time to start dinner." Grandma Zhu walked in slowly with a smile and two plates of food.

Upon noticing the movement, the flies on the table flew up in fright.

After Grandma Zhu put down the dishes, they boldly approached again, probably because they smelled the fragrance and looked even more excited.

Grandpa Zhu quickly picked up the fly swatter and swatted it.

Those flies looked stupid and stupid, or they were too greedy to escape. After a "pop" sound, two of them were swatted to death by fly swatters, and their dark bodies lay stiffly next to the dishes.

Zhu Minghan instantly lost his appetite and frowned even more tightly. Taking a closer look, he saw that the two dishes were stir-fried water spinach and stir-fried leeks with green peppers. He kicked over a bench beside the table and strode outside.

The bench fell to the ground with a "dong" sound. Grandpa Zhu stopped swatting flies and turned his head to look.

Grandma Zhu asked anxiously: "Hanhan, it's time to eat soon, where are you going?"

Zhu Minghan kept walking and said angrily: "I'm not hungry! Go for a walk!"

Grandpa Zhu frowned and looked Looking at the dazzling sunshine outside, "Where are you going for a walk at noon?"

Zhu Minghan ignored him and quickly walked away, his figure disappearing around the corner of the courtyard wall.

Grandma Zhu took a few steps and asked, "Then your grandpa and I will wait for you to come back before eating?"

"You guys can eat! I won't eat!"

Grandpa Zhu and grandma Zhu looked at each other.

Grandma Zhu muttered inwardly, and after being silent for a long time, she whispered: "Old man, do you think that Hanhan has been acting a little weird since he woke up from his nap in the afternoon? It's like... he's possessed by an evil spirit."

Grandpa Zhu Qing Waving the fly swatter lightly, she said after a long while: "What's the matter? Don't talk nonsense."

Grandma Zhu didn't argue with him, just said: "Although Hanhan usually talks less, he is still very filial to us, but from now on, he started to feel weird yesterday afternoon. Don't tell me you didn't notice that he kept looking at me with disgust, and his brows never widened."

Grandpa Zhu was speechless, "Maybe it's because school is about to start, he in a bad mood."

Grandma Zhu sighed, without saying anything else, she took out the curtain and covered the dishes on the table. They only have this grandson, what else can they do if they don't love and pamper him?

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