Chapter 3

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Kidnapped Chapter 3

"Landon" I whispered swinging back in forth with him in my hammock.

"What Gem," he mumbled annoyed that he couldn't have his peace and quiet.

"What's it like having a mom?"

"Gem what did I tell you about asking those types of questions."

At 12 years old I never really knew my mom. She left me and my dad when I was three years old. My dad always told me she left because she was sick, but I never really believed him. Landon came from a big family. He had his mom and dad, three older brothers, and two younger brothers. My family consisted of my dad, my cat, and I.

"Please Lan just tell me a little. I won't even say anything I just like hearing this kind of stuff so I know how to act for my future kids."

We swung back and forth all cozy in the warm summer breeze. Landon would doze off every now and then but I would keep him up by having him tell me stories.

"Fine, but I don't want you crying this time," he said flicking my necklace.



I woke up on the comfiest bed I have ever been on. For a moment I forgot what had happened, but unfortunately it came rushing back to me. I sat up quickly and realized I was not tied down to anything. The room smelled delicious and was very well decorated. It had a sense of familiarity and I couldn't place my finger on it. I stepped out of the bed and went straight to the door only to find out that it was locked.

"Hello," I croaked out.

My throat was dry and I needed something to drink badly.

"Hello," I called again banging on the door as hard as I could.

I walked back to the bed and sat down on it. Looking outside the window you could see trees that went on for miles and a beautiful clear lake in the distance. Something about the lake struck me as fascinating and I could not take my eyes off of it. It was a deep dark blue and looked untouched. Something about it made me feel happy but I couldn't figure out what. I went to the window and saw that I was on the second story. Pushing as hard as I could the old window wouldn't budge open.

I started to walk around the room and look around for anything that could help me escape. I began with the closet and to my luck it was empty except for a few hangers. Next I moved to the dresser and opened up all three drawers. Inside sat three pair of sweat pants and men's boxers. On top of the dresser was a little green box. I opened it up and inside held a pretty silver necklace with a heart charm.

A pretty silver necklace I lost when I was 12.

I threw the necklace on the floor and ran to the door and started pounding on it again.

"Who are you and what do you want with me!"

Rage filled inside of me and kicked the door with fury.

Was this guy stalking me since I was 12? Is he some sick twisted guy who has been obsessing over me and just waiting for the perfect time to take me?

Whatever the situation was I was determined to get out as quickly as possible no matter what it took.

I can't recall ever losing my necklace. I just remember one day taking it off and that being the end of it. I never looked for it or even missed it. Even though it was the only thing my mom left for me, being young and dumb at the time, I never saw any importance in it.

I banged on the door for what seemed like hours and I felt exhausted. I slid down the door to the ground and didn't know what to do so I started crying.

"Finally you stopped your insistent banging."

"Let me out of here or I swear I will mess you up," my bark was bigger than my bite but I was hoping by the hatred dripping from my voice that he would let me go.

"I'm not letting you out of this room until you promise not to run, scream, or hurt me in any way," I heard a slight chuckle from behind the door "you messed me up pretty bad yesterday,".

"Who are you and why have you been stalking me?"

"Gem, can I call you that? Probably not but I'm going to do it anyways. So here's the deal I will let you out of this room if you promise not to attack me and to stay calm. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

Everything he was saying to me went in one ear and out the other. How does this guy even know my name? I can't trust some random guy who potentially has been stalking me for who even knows how long. I'll just have to agree with him and attack when he lets me out.

"Fine I won't do anything," I replied through gritted teeth.

"I'm serious Gem don't do anything. Like I said I do not want to hurt you and I'll try not too but if you start swinging I will have to stop you," there was a stern tone underlying to his voice to make him seem like he meant business but I ignored it.

"Okay let me out."

I heard keys and then the door handle jiggled signaling that it was now unlocked. I started running all the possible scenarios through my head. It could be anyone behind that door. The only thing I knew about them is that they were big, strong, and creepy.

I waited a moment and took a deep breath then opened the door.

For all the scenarios running through my head what I actually saw was not one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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