-Silver Creek-

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This pack is located on the outer most east side of Nebraska and Kansas. They are considered a small pack but they are often avoided for very specific reasons.

While most packs praise the Goddess and keep their identities a secret to humans, this pack, does not. Of course the government is always quick to cover this up. This pack praises another deity called Unezir who originated as a story of vampires, werewolves, and humans coming from the same god. This pack doesn't follow the standard laws and will often mate with more than one partner, with a human, or with the occasional vampire. It is much rarer for a vampire simply because of their smaller numbers.

This pack is small, only consisting of around thirty wolves at a time. Most people try to join this pack and end up leaving because everyone here is more lunatic than sane.
They follow the ranking system but the alpha constantly fluctuates because of fights. There hasn't been a pure blooded alpha in many..many years.

Along with being overly religious heretics they also dabble in human drugs and drug dealing. They also deal with pack assassinations but that is kept more underground.

All characters in this pack will have the following symbol beside their name:

The following characters included in this pack are the following:

•Shaw Winslow

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