1. Reset button

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' He's cute. '
' Not as cute as Kumkani. '
' Eh-eh , don't be talking about my husband. '
' That man stays embedded in your brain. '
' It's a shame that we have to patch up race traitors like him. '
' All in a days work. '
' But still...'
' Eh-eh-eh, don't drag me into your mess. '

The two nurses gossip as they check the patients vitals.


Erik rouses from his drug induced coma. He has trouble keeping his eyes open. He can barely move his limbs. His body is stiff, sore and weak. He feels like he's been in a car accident. He can hear sounds of feet shuffling, mild chatter, beeping machines, doors sliding open and closing. He can no longer fight the grogginess, he falls back asleep.

A couple of hours later, he is awake again. He feels parched. His throat is too dry and it irritates him. He reaches out and he touches a trolley. Good! He pushes it with all his might and it falls down with a loud crash. A nurse comes dashing in to check on what caused the commotion. He points to his mouth and throat. She hands him a drink. He chugs it down. She fetches the dr to come and check on Erik's vitals.

He feels confused. Why is everything engulfed in darkness? He can't see shit. He declines a meal, opting for more rest instead.

The next morning sleep leaves his body the moment the pain meds wear off. He presses the button on his pillow for some assistance. It takes a while to get a response.

' Good Morning Sir. How may I......'
' Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! '

They all look at each other nervously wondering what kind of day they are going to have. The new intern comes to his room with a fresh bag, she hooks it up. Erik's forehead is covered in a film of sweat as he struggles to breath through the pain. She sees it fit to adress his unbecoming behavior.

' There are rules you know. You can't treat people however you want. '
' It hurts real bad. '
' You one eyed Rhino. I didn't do anything to you. '
' Somebody make her stop talking. '
' My husband will hunt you down. '
' We finna see, Miss lady. '
' Watch how you speak to me. '
' You should have stayed your ass at home. '
'Wakanda is bigger than you. '
'Thank you for telling me shit that I already know. '

The nurse angrily huffs out of his room. He laughs as the pain meds begin to take effect. Crazy morning.
His joy is cut short by a nasty twinge in his chest.
' Ow! ' he back to being miserable again.

Later in the day T'challa comes to see him.

' Njadaka, how are you feeling? '
' That depends. '
' On what? '
' You respecting my last wishes. ' T'challa sighs.
' What the fuck did you do to me? '
' Your going to have to be more specific. '
' Why the fuck can't I see? '
T'challa takes a deep breath before answering.
' There was a complication during surgery. '
' Nah man, you lying. '
' I wanted to give it time before the doctors started prodding you again. '
' You tryna tell me that the country with the most advanced tech can't fix this shit? '
' Erik, try to calm down. '
' Miss me with your bullshit. '
' Erik....'
' You blew up my fucking life. '
' Erik ! '

He descends into a tirade of colorful insults and T'challa takes it as his cue to leave.

If T'challa was trying to incapacitate him, then he has succeeded. He's always prided himself in his honed physical abilities and now......Is this the end? He consoles himself to save up his energy, for now.

Day two

Its a new day, he already feels different. He was moved to a private suite. It's silent here. The bed is comfortable, the pillows are soft and fluffy. That small win makes no difference in the next hour. Physical pain topped with withdrawals from the herb. 

He's battling an endless ringing in his ears, a fever, chills and endless waves of nausea. The new nurse is better versed to care for a sickly irate. She doesn't take his long colorful rants personal. She never keeps him waiting.

His brain is swimming in a cocktail of drugs. He is struggling to tell apart reality from hallucinations. Stuck in his own reverie. T'challa comes to see him in the afternoon. He can hear Erik speaking to someone. T'challa thinks that Erik is speaking to his pops.

Seated by the window in his wheelchair. Body slumped, head bowed down, face covered by his locs looking dejected.

' Njadaka, how are you feeling today ? '
' Tell me a story. ' he says under his breath. T'challa racks his brain for something.


When Grandpa was little when he met another boy, roaming the forest. He looked like him but he was not from here. His clothes were foreign, he spoke a strange tongue. None of that mattered. They formed a friendship.

When Grandpa was a teenager he met his childhood friend again. He finally learned his name. It meant, ' The living image of god. '  His friend was so unique. He could feel his essence burn so bright, sometimes it overwhelmed him. He didn't think he was human.

When Grandpa was a young adult. He met his childhood friend for the third time. They had both turned out fine. They called him Rama-tut. He came on a diplomatic mission. He had learned their native tongue. He requested a private audience with the young prince.

Rama-tut wanted to give him something rare. Like a gift. It was going to cost him something. Fair exchange is no robbery but grandpa had to prove that he was worthy.

' What did he get out of it ? '
' Died before he could tell me. '
'Grandpa was a hoe bag. '

T'challa is disappointed. Is that all Erik took from the story ?

' Did you want me to write a thesis?'

Erik shakes his head and laughs. Another moment of silence passes.

' I'm not mad atchu . '
' Your not?' '

Before he can a answer he sharply grabs his left arm. The pain in his chest is back. T'challa calls for some assistance and leaves to tend to his duties. He must be pretty out of it. He wonders what he would have said if they were not interrupted.

He hobbles to the washroom with his new ai walking stick - Sir Henry. It can locate every item in the room, it can even talk back. He's glad that somebody doesn't have to wipe his ass for him. His pride won't let him. He stands under the hot stream of water for an hour. He feels better after.

Nanny comes in the evening, they share a meal. His appetite is improving. She retires at 2100 hours. He lays up in bed, falling asleep listening to a podcast hosted by war veterans.

The second night is barely through and Erik has a nightmare. He has always taken comfort in waking up and shaking off but this time he is engulfed in total darkness. He panics, still sleepy and groggy throws back the covers, Jumps out of bed only to end up on the cold hard floor. His legs are still asleep, they bear no function.

T'challa is woken up by sounds of crying coming from Erik's room. He dashes there to find Erik on the floor disoriented and sobbing. He helps him up and back into bed. Wipes his tears and comforts him. T'challa stays in waiting for Erik to fall asleep. Erik is terrified. He has never felt so terrified and helpless. He is starting to come into terms with the fact that his new impairment might actually be permanent.

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