4. Market day

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Everything sounds so different now. Erik doesn't trust female drivers. He hopes that nanny won't put him through the windscreen. He watches as she glides through the exclusive highway for super cars. He can't remember the name but it's a hybrid luxury car. Comfortable seats, smooth ride, silent engine.

All relaxed and reclined back in his maroon sweatpants, black sleeveless muddy waters t-shirt, white converse and black aviators. Nanny is glad for that fresh re-twist and fade. Erik looks good.

' It's good you getting your eyesight back and all. '
' Self  autonomy is underrated. '
' I been thinking. '
' About what ? '
' You know Tumi. '
' No I don't. '
' The guy who comes to rub you down.'
' What about him ? '
' He trying to see what's up with you. '
' Yeah ?  '
' Maybe you can link up sometime. '
' I'll think on it. '

When they get to the market, Erik falls behind trying to manoeuver the thick crowd. He doesn't understand why a motorcycle, animals and humans all want to share the same pedestrian pavement. Dipping his head every five seconds, Heavy load coming through. Ten hawkers selling the same thing all speaking at the same time.

Hot weather makes people crazy because Erik is watching two men go at it by the road side. Naw, he's not waiting for all of that bad juju to catch up to him. He takes a detour to the nearest exit and he sees a coconut stand. He sees a man preparing a coconut.

' If I buy a coconut, can I sit here ? '

He gestures his hand towards the bench for Erik to seat. Finally some shade.

Erik looks like a foreigner. Everyone here is dressed in traditional threads.

' Just like that. ' Erik adds satisfied with the amount of water in the bowl.
' You want me to dunk this bowl of water in your face ? ' the man confirms
' I'm dying here. '

Nanny makes it back after arguing with a bunch of rude pushy hawkers. She runs to stop the craziness but it's too late. Coconut water vendor man tosses the water in Erik's face. He blows out the breathe he'd been holding in.

' Again ? ' Erik nods his head in approval.

He hits him with the second bowl.

' Are you feeling better now ? '

Erik nods.

' What has happened ? '
' Take the boy out of the sun. It's making him sick. ' the vendor scolds her.

Nanny takes Erik to the restaurant. Drenched shirt clinging to his body.

' I'm fried. '
' Sorry. '
' I don't know why I thought that was a good idea. '
' Dashikis are overrated. '
' Where to next ? '
' We eat then stroll the boutiques. '
' Ok. '

They wait in silence sipping on a mocktail, for the aspirin to start working, Erik has a headache. They have Nanny's favorite, roast goat and fries. They grab coconut cream ice cream on the way.

Something catches Erik's eye. A rare gold chain he used to see from his time. Nanny noticed that he stopped at Odi Gold Boutique. This store is so old, nanny can't believe it's still here. Erik sees an old man dressed sharply in a silver fro tap on the window to get his attention. He beckons them to step inside.

Erik heads to the entrance, he finds the old man waiting on him.

' Welcome. Prince Njadaka. '
' Thanks. '
' My name is Jabari. Have a seat. '

Erik is irritated by his native name but he lets it slide for the old man. He comes back with a bucket of champagne, he pours up two glasses and hands them a flute each. Erik hates to see him struggle.

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