14. Vacation part 2

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Thursday morning

T'challa thinks it would be nice if Erik experienced both urban and rural areas of Wakanda. They go to Ororo's old village, Kitu Kizuri.

They arrive a bit early at 0800 hrs.

Kaka is going to be their host. A young early twenties guy. Very tall. He welcomes them.

' Don't sit on that. ' T'challa warns as Erik is about to seat on the wooden foldable chair. ' It's too advanced for you. '

Kaka brings Erik a normal chair.

A bunch of Old ladies Erik some snuff. He spits his out onto the ground in under ten seconds. It's too hot. His head is spinning.

' Oh my god. What was that ? ' he holds on to T'challa to steady himself. T'challa laughs at him.

' I told you not to hog. '

Erik goes to help light up the three stone open fire pit by blowing into a long pipe stoking last nights coal embers. After swallowing a healthy amount of smoke. The fire gets going.

They have tea and sweet potatoes. Erik has adopted island boy mannerisms. He carried his own bottle of hot sauce. T'challa watches as he squeezes a generous amount on his plate. Sweet potatoes and Chilli.

' Is it any good ? '
' Ije was onto something. '

They go and check out the farm. Kaka does a speedy job of weeding his plot of land. Erik can see bananas, pumpkins, cassava, sweet potatoes, corn and beans. Mango, avocado, lemon and orange trees.

For lunch, Kaka slaughters a chicken makes them, roast chicken, ugali and seasonal.

After a short afternoon nap he goes with Kaka to gather firewood and water. All in a days work. T'challa and Erik talk over 4 o'clock tea.

' We were conned out of the best life for capitalism. '
' As in ? '
' A guy like kaka lives in his own hut on his own land. His done with his lil errands by mid day. I don't understand why people look down on this shit. '
' You want to be a villager ? I can leave you with Kaka. '
' Maybe. ' It's quiet here. One can hear the chicken occasionally cluck.
' How will you charge your phone ? '
' Solar panel thingy. '
' Where will you take a bath ? '
' Kaka showed me a place down by the river. '
' You have zero people skills. What will you do for a living ? '
' I'm going to be a farmer. '
' You got everything figured out. '

T'challa didn't expect him to like it this much but the fantasy is broken in the evening. The bugs have assaulted Erik enough times.

' Your blood is sweet. '
' How is that helping ? '

Erik complains as he swats the mosquitoes away.
Kaka gives him an ointment for the bites to take home and a crate of sweet potatoes. He's starting to hate village hospitality. These people want to make him fat.

During bedtime they have a short conversation.

' Kaka asked me if we could attend his wedding tomorrow. What do you think ? '
' Yeah, why not. '
' I already asked for some outfits. '
' How early ? '
' How does 10 am sound ? '
' Good enough. '

Impromptu wedding

They arrive early at Kakas compound. They hang out in the car. Both in matching blue blue ankara shirts, black denim jeans and dark sunglasses. Erik takes out his flask for a quick swig.

' Are you going to be drunk the entire time ? '
' Baby, why you acting brand new ? '

Erik asks tucking it back into his pocket. They can argue back at home. People are still preparing the place. Sweeping, arranging the tents and seating positions. A lot of food preparation. Seems like a low budget wedding. He's used to people taking photos of him. He's a Public figure.

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