Prologue - The Eclipse

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When Eclipse should've died,
Moon listened

Earth looked at the portal, then back to Sun. Portal, Sun, Portal, Sun. "Don't freak out.. But it's, well.. Kinda bad damage! You look.. Messed up, Sun." he nodded in response, pain echoing through his sensors. Using Star Power drained him mentally, but he didn't expect it to take that much of an effect on him.

Solar was near the ball pit, still mad at Moon for pushing him through. He didn't want to be around any fighting, but he wanted to help. He hasn't said anything besides what happened to the other two, either.

"I'm gonna try and talk to him."

"Moon, you're being stupid." he'd tried convincing him. He'd only met the other version of himself once, and he didn't like it. Not at all. Maybe it was the fact he was seeing his own--well, not exactly his own face, but a face named the same as him. But the whole thing gave Solar chills. But he couldn't understood why Moon would want to try and talk to him.

"If he was willing to give up the STAR for us not to revive Lunar, maybe he knows something we don't." Moon hadn't told Sun. He knew he'd instantly go against the idea. He went against the idea, too. He just had to try it. He hated the idea of letting Eclipse live, but hated the idea of him knowing something everyone else didn't more.

The conversation flashed in Solars head. He sat with his knees to his chest, silent. It felt calm, even though it was an intense moment.
He heard a flash behind him, jumping up at someone coming through the portal.

"Earth, i think Moons back." He looked over at the ball pit, inhaling sharply as he saw someone next to the other. Fuck, it worked. "So.. What happened? Why is he with you-?" he kept his voice down, knowing Sun would probably panic if he saw Eclipse alive.

"So, uh, good news; he said he'd give us information. I have no idea if his battery ran out or not. He's either in the ball pit or getting up, " Moon looked over at the ball pit, seeing the other face planted. Eclipse didn't move. Solar felt chills running down his endoskeleton.

"Yup, he's out." He pulled the other out the ballpit, resisting the urge to throw him. "The portal should take you back." Solar nodded, glaring at EEclipse He dreaded going back to his dimension, but didn't want to keep bothering the celestials any longer. Reluctantly, he stepped into the portal, the rayed animatronic dissapearing into the pit.

Moon walked out of the ballpit, placing Eclipse down on the ground. Oil spilled from the metal vessel, staining the floor of the daycare. He winced. Sun would be pissed. He walked over to his siblings, legs feeling heavy as led. The whole thing felt surreal. "Moon, ah- help?" Earth gestured to Sun, who was very, very damaged. "... Holy shit. Ok-- we can focus on that later. I kind of changed the plan without telling you."

".. What? "

"Eclipse is on our side now."

" WHAT!? "

Sun shook his head, making an X with what remained of his arms. "No. Nonoono, that won't go well!" his voice box glitched, but he was able to speak. "It didn't work, right? He isn't-.. He isn't here, right?" Moon shuttered, mad at himself for not telling Sun. He gestured over to where he'd put Eclipse.

"I talked with him, he said he'd give us info, then i threatened him. Then he ran out of battery in the portal." Sun sighed but nodded. "You aren't gonna just, let him go free, right..?" Moon nodded. "Definitely not. That's a death wish."

"Well, i don't know much about this sort of stuff," Earth spoke up, " But maybe you could track him?" Moon thought about it for a second. "That'd be possible. Anyway," he turned his attention back to his brother, standing up and bringing the other celestial with him. "Let's go fix you up, brother. I'll order some parts."

Moon looked over at Eclipse, battery on 0, lying face-down on the daycare matting. He looked back at Earth. "Can you take him to parts and service? I'm gonna.. Check on something." She followed his gaze, nodding. Earth took the damaged body of Sun, carrying it in her arms out of the daycare.

Once Moon was sure they were both away from the daycare, he walked over to Eclipse. He wasn't sure if Eclipse was faking passed out or if he was actually out. "Y'know, it probably wasn't the smartest move to bring you back here." Moon thought out loud.

When he got no response, he lifted the celestial off the ground. He called for the wire, feeling it latch onto his back. He considered just getting to a higher height and throwing the body of Eclipse onto the balcony, but he couldn't confirm the celestial would stay in one piece if he did so.

With a sigh, Moon picked up the damaged body of Eclipse in his arma bridal style, floating up to the balcony with the assistance of the wire. When he felt his feet plant on the stable floor of the balcony, he dropped Eclipse onto the floor.

Moon climbed down the ladder and then made a beeline for his room, quickly retrieving his tool box and rushing back out. He didn't want to leave the damned waste of Nanochips alone for even a second. He crouched next to Eclipse, rustling through the tools.

He found the tools he needed, setting Eclipse into a sitting position and swinging open the plate on his stomach. Unlike the daycare attendants bodies, who had most of their important wires in the back of their head, the body Eclipse was using--it was named Solar Flare, if he was correct--had them in a hatch on its stomach. He looked over the wires.

Green? No, Lime.
A darker red
Cyan? Bingo.

He looked at the cyan wire, hooking it to a notch on the side of the things body. He hesitated as his hand lingered over the red wire. This was supposed to send multiple volts of electricity through him, enough to kill a normal human, to kick up his battery. It could also just kill him. Or mess with his vision. It was a 60/40

Did he want to risk that? Surely there was a way that wasn't so risky--
He connected the red wire.

~ 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 ~ ✩ A S.A.M.S+L.A.E.S AU ✩Where stories live. Discover now