3 - Concerns and The Star

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Sun made his way up to the balcony, jitters being sent up his body from the teleporter. "Moon? Brother?" he called, a rustling sound being heard from inside Moon's room. "In here, Sun."

Sun crawled through the tube-thing leading to Moons room. "Hey, ah.. Eclipse," Moon turned around at the mention of that individual, "Said something concerning that i think we should know about." Moon sighed.

"What'd he tell you?" Moon assumed Eclipse was plotting something, and he'd let something slip that Sun overheard. "Well, they were saying he felt bad, and that.. They 'felt like he didn't have control"

Moon raised an eyebrow, looking over at Sun. "I think something's up with him. I saw them talking to himself yesterday," that got an immediate reaction out of Sun, he looked.. Worried. "He looked like he was about to cry. Their rays were spinning, too."

"Should we ask Earth to talk to them?" Moon thought for a minute. "He might not let her. You know how it was last time he talked to her." Sun vaguely remembered it. It'd been at least a month. "Yea, i guess so."

Sun looked over at Moon's computer, hidden as a normal arcade cabnit. "What are you working on?" Sun was always curious about what Moon did, but Moon usually didn't let him see. After he'd been reset, though, he started sharing more things with Sun.

"Oh, right-- you might want to know this.."

"The stars gone."

".. What?"

Sun grabbed at the ribbons on his wrists, something he did when he was worried. "What do you mean, 'gone?' I thought you put it somewhere secure! " Moon nodded. "I checked the cameras. Nobody took it. The only thing i got was a big flash of light and then the cameras went out."

Sun paced a bit, too many thoughts in his head. Ruin could've taken it. Hell, maybe Eclipse had gone back for it! Oh god, oh god, oh god.. He felt Moon's hand on his shoulder. "Brother, we'll figure this out. Nothings going to happen; not again."

Sun nodded, his thoughts temporarily calming down. "Yea.. Yea, we will--!!"

A loud thud came from the daycare.

Sun glanced at Moon, before rushing down to check what happened. He jumped down into the ballpit, hoping he recovered quickly enough. He sprung up from the ballpit, running out and over to where the sound had from.

Eclipse was on the floor. This wasn't uncommon. He breathed a sigh of relief, before panic came back. What had happened? What if they were hurt? He crouched, checking there battery. Zero percent. He felt himself calming down, just a bit; he'd just ran out of battery.

"Sun! Sun, is everything ok?" Sun picked up Eclipse, turning towards his brother. "It's just Eclipse. He ran out of battery." Moon nodded, a brief look of relief on his face. "Oh, good.. You can put him to charge in either of our rooms, or behind the desk." Sun nodded, heading back out of the daycare.

He hesitated, going up the stairs. Where was he taking Eclipse? He could take him to Moons room, which was the direction he was going in.. He turned, heading down a different hallway. Towards his own room.

He'd talk with Eclipse when they were awake.

~ 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 ~ ✩ A S.A.M.S+L.A.E.S AU ✩Where stories live. Discover now